Monthly Archives: August 2011

Reflection 8/22/11-8/26/11


         Updated documents on subversion as necessary (Really wishing that there was a way that subversion could automatically update the content instead of having to do this manually)

         Held a training session for using Elluminate Live on August 24th from 9 PM to 10 PM for instructor, Jan Mahar, and LA’s of 110

o   Worked through all of the major components of the tool.

o   Wondering if it’s best to have one or several rooms for student confidentiality if there is more than one purpose for the room (i.e. office hours/topic overview)

o   LA’s were a quick study on using the tool and seem to have a strong grasp on the best way to use the tool.

         Continued with IST 111S revision

         Continued with IST 230 revision

         Heard from instructor revising IST 331 (Martin Yeh)

o   has a tentative outline for changes but still awaiting approval from the committee chair

o   had meeting with him (have a google doc that we will use to make the course objectives higher-order)

         Continued with IST 402

         Signed JRW and SRDP

         Attended Special Brown Bag lunch talk: Africa’s place at the global table: celebrating Africa’s cuisines by Fran Osseo-Asare. Here is a link to my reflection on my blog:

Ongoing Projects:

         Adjusting IST 110 for Fall.

o   Made a course announcement for students to login to drupal site. No feedback yet

o   Made updates to IST 110 Assessment. (Best to make adjustments to the master source!)

         Working on Spring 2012 courses: IST 111S, IST 230, IST 331, IST 402

         Working through content to update links, etc. (Found out that the links to ANGEL work if drupal is in the frame of ANGEL.). Here is the code to make this work for an item named Document Practice: This only works if drupal is in the frame of ANGEL!

         Checking images. Here is the code that I find if the images don’t work: <img hspace=”3″ height=”282″ border=”0″ align=”right” width=”186″ vspace=”3″ alt=”Topic Collage” src=” images/302_s0031_g01.jpg” />. Here is the fix: <img hspace=”3″ height=”282″ border=”0″ align=”right” width=”186″ vspace=”3″ alt=”Topic Collage” src=”/sites/ist295a/files/images/302_s0031_g01.jpg” />. Notice the items in red that need to be added.

         Check for flash and video that doesn’t show up from the WC version. Not sure what the code is to fix this.

         Adding peer evals in drupal to courses. I found that to make a block I first need to create a menu item. Then I can drag the menu item in blocks to the appropriate place.

         Working on checking courses (content isn’t always there) from WCLD to be placed in Drupal through OIDI task list

         Updating syllabi & content in drupal


Immediate Decisions / Issues:

         Need a closer look at how the code needs to be adjusted in the syllabus to enable the css to take in drupal. Thought that I got this to work but 295a isn’t working

         Would like to have a better working knowledge of…

o   Captivate

o   Kaltura

o   Jaycut


Back Burner:

         Gaming, Simulations, and Virtual World Research Committee

         Need to read the book Understanding by Design:

Something new that I learned this week:

         How to get a copy of a swf.

1)      Have a copy of the link to the object (i.e.

2)      Open a new text file.

3)      Write a link code to the object (i.e. <a href=”“>link</a>)

4)      Save the text file as an html file.

5)      Open the html file

6)      Right click on the link and save link as.


Days off / Conferences:     

         Conference Nov. 8-11 – SLOAN-C Conference


Special Brown Bag lunch talk: Africa’s place at the global table: celebrating Africa’s cuisines – Fran Osseo-Asare

Not sure why, but I’m always confused about whether these types of functions are going to involve food. I had lunch, but it wasn’t necessary since Fran made traditional food for us. Fran is an American who married an African man from Ghana. Here is a link to her food site:

There was so much going on at the session that is hard for me to talk about just one thing with any clarity. The one thing that I know is that I had some food that was new and different. I feel like this experience really began in Summer of 2010 when I was in Madison, WI. One of my colleagues at World Campus, Penny Ralston-Berg encouraged us to try an Ethiopian restaurant. For as many cultural experiences that I’ve had, Ethiopian was something that I had never tried before. I found the food delicious, and it was also very healthy with a strong vegetarian influence.

Today during the talk by Fran, I got a greater sense of Africa and it’s complexities. It is such a large area that has been so under represented for so long that many, like me, have not taken the time and put in the effort to learn more.

Quote: Paraphased “[Refering to foreigners visiting Ghana] They have their eyes wide open and see nothing.”
Reflection: This is such a strong statement to me. And one that requires contemplation. This applies to much more than just Africa, but to those that are around us. How do we quiet our inner voice enough and shut off our own biases long enough to really see things as they are?”

Point made by Fran’s Ghanaian Husband: The reason that African food still remain less popular than many ethnic foods is the lack of a strong political presence there.
Reflection: I’m not sure when things will really start to change here. But if you look around the world you can see the strength of this statement. Fran used the example of Japan. For many years, no one was interested in Japan, and it’s culture. Once they began to have a stronger economy and show more global presence, many became more interested in the food and culture. I look forward to a world where Africa has a stronger presence.

Thoughts on the food to sample: My favorite part of the discussion is that we had the opportunity to try some African food. There was chicken, plantains, and some other foods that I’m not familiar with. There was even a punch that was very delicious. At the end of the meal, I sampled some coffee that included some spices, including cloves.

As I left this opportunity, I was thinking about incredible it is to work for Penn State where you never know the types of gatherings that you may have the chance to participate in. This was a great opportunity for me.

Reflection 8/15/11-8/19/11


         Updated documents on subversion as necessary

         Continuing with IST 111S revision

         Continuing IST 230 revision

         Haven’t heard anything from instructor revising IST 331 even with an email

         Continuing IST 402

o   With the summer semester closed will begin to pick up

         Met with Carl Cotner again about CE 210

o   Talked him through the course

o   Encouraged him to personalize

o   Populated his space with materials

o   Followed up with Amy Stever about the room for the section having computers

o   Checked in with Sharon Youtzy about the room and got it moved to a room with computers. She mentioned that he should discuss with the Media Tech group to see if the necessary software was available on the computers (

         Wrote up JRW and SRDP


Ongoing Projects:

         Adjusting IST 110 for Fall. Made an course announcement for students to login to drupal site.

         Holding a training session for using Elluminate Live on August 24th from 9 PM to 10 PM for instructor, Jan Mahar, and LA’s of 110

         Working on Spring 2012 courses: IST 111S, IST 230, IST 331, IST 402

         Working through content to update links, etc. (Found out that the links to ANGEL work if drupal is in the frame of ANGEL.). Here is the code to make this work for an item named Document Practice: This only works if drupal is in the frame of ANGEL!

         Adding peer evals in drupal to courses. I found that to make a block I first need to create a menu item. Then I can drag the menu item in blocks to the appropriate place.

         Working on checking courses (content isn’t always there) from WCLD to be placed in Drupal through OIDI task list

         Updating syllabi & content in drupal


Immediate Decisions / Issues:

         Need a closer look at how the code needs to be adjusted in the syllabus to enable the css to take in drupal. Thought that I got this to work but 295a isn’t working

         Would like to have a better working knowledge of…

o   Captivate

o   Kaltura

o   Jaycut


Back Burner:

         Gaming, Simulations, and Virtual World Research Committee

         Need to read the book Understanding by Design:



Days off / Conferences:     

         Conference Nov. 8-11 – SLOAN-C Conference