Travel Day to Sloan-C 2011

It was an early day without a ton of sleep from the day before. I had stayed up late watching my favorite NFL team lose another 4th quarter lead. I got to the airport on time and began checking my bags. Given that it was so early in the morning and I haven’t traveled for awhile, I felt like I was just staring and pressing buttons at the baggage check. When I had finally completed the process, I turned around to see Jeremy Shaap. This was quite a precursor to all of the events that were to follow in State College, regarding the Jerry Sandusky sex abuse scandal.

I was glad to travel with Amy Stever to Orlando. Amy and I did alot of talking about the program and just basic information about ourselves. Interestingly enough, Amy was relaying a story from her past about a classmate who was treated poorly by a teacher when a gentleman in the seat in front of us overheard our conversation and said that the woman was his mother. What a small world!

Since there weren’t delays we got to Orlando by 11:30 and to our hotel by 12:30. After a late lunch, I caught up with what was going on back in State College regarding the scandal.

Then around 4, I worked out by using the health club at the Swan and Dolphin.

For the rest of the day, I checked and responded to email and watched ESPN incredulously as events began to unfold which resulted in both Joe Paterno and Graham Spanier being fired by the Penn State Board of Directors.

Lunch was so filling that I never ate supper. Also, I really hadn’t napped all day after staying up late, put that together with travel and a workout, and it equals time to crash.

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