Reflection on Althusser

It’s been a crazy week, so I’m only finally getting to this now. Here is Clarke’s blog on Althusser.

Quote: The appearance of a meritocracy in schools, he thinks, masks the reality of ideological control.”
Reflection: Interesting to think about how we use praise to accomplish our goals. Definitely something to think about from an individual perspective.

Quote: “…that (education) controls rather than enlightens.
Reflection: There are many times when this seems the case. Banning of cell phone use in schools is a great example. While there are many students who would abuse the privilege of cell phone use, is it worth banning a great tool for teaching and learning because of that abuse by a few?

Quote: It (education) does this through grading and assessment, so that the individual strives to achieve what is set as standards of achievement, yet in reality are merely state sponsored selection devices for work and class roles.
Reflection: I see this when individuals choose to teach as gatekeepers. There are too many who would prevent the masses from learning by putting up artificial barriers for entrance.

Quote: Education was not the only ISA for Althusser, religion was another and this has turned out to be just as powerful a force in terms of the reinforcement of power through education.
Reflection: There are many who would choose to place their children in environments where this would happen purposely. I have always been a bit against the notion of private schools, though I went to a college that was affiliated with my church at the time. One thing that happened during my time in college is that I was exposed to different perspectives. I think that to avoid organization which choose to polarize is many times the wrong direction. Working within organizations to affect change often proves to be more efficacious.

Quote: education is not a neutral activity. It is often loaded with politics, religion and other underlying belief systems.
Reflection: To me, it’s important for educators to be self reflective to make sure that they are not clouding their message with their own biases.

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