Reflection for 6/1/15 to 6/5/15

It’s Tuesday, and I’m getting to this for the first time. Yesterday was very busy. I had two meetings with faculty about revisions/developments. It’s good to get those underway. I also received another note showing another development is moving forward. It is always nice to know when progress is being made.

I did forget a meeting in the evening that I said that I would attend. I hate when things like this happen. Obviously, there is a hole in my calendaring system that needs to be fixed.

Twenty-nine emails from the time I left the office Monday until I got into the office on Tuesday. Many are not that important, but it still takes time to filter them. Then I file which I don’t have to do, but it is becoming more and more of an issue.

I got more done with the course that I’m teaching in Fall ’15. There is much to consider concerning all of the revisions/developments and growth. I was glad to sit down with Kent today to talk about his process and am excited to learn/read more to help myself and the group.

Thursday and Friday were busy days and didn’t allow for much reflection. I’m excited to continue forward motion on the developing a process for our group with my colleagues. Hopefully, this allows us to make our job more efficient and effective.




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