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- First workshop for the Young Scholars of Liberia, Monrovia, June 2019
- First workshop, Monrovia, June 2019
- All-day writing workshop, Harper, Maryland, WVS Tubman University, July 5, 2019
- All-day writing workshop
- All-day writing workshop
- All-day writing workshop
- Closing ceremony, Harper, Maryland County, WVS Tubman University Campus, July 6, 2019
- Dr. Wesley presents a certificate to Jee-Won M.E Arkoi, the country coordinator, being recognized for three years of service to YSL.
- Poetry contest runner-up, YSL member, receiving a book for her win
- Vermon Washington, one of the YSL Mentee-Mentors being recognized for two year service to YSL.
- Aaron Ireland, one of the YSL Mentee-Mentors being recognized for two year service to YSL
- Presentation of certificates
- Kulah Washington, one of the YSL Mentee-Mentors and a third-place winner of the YSL Poetry Contest. She is a senior student at Cuttington University in Bong County.
- Enjoying dinner at the closing ceremony in Harper
- Closing ceremonies, Harper
- The Young Scholars of Liberia Mentee-Mentors in Harper, the Maryland County branch.
- The Young Scholars of Liberia Mentee-Mentors in Harper, the Maryland County branch.
- Mr. Augustine S. Arkoi, founder and director of New Hope Academy on Peace Island in Monrovia, where Wesley conducted a number of workshops on July 18, 2019.
- Mr. Arkoi, preparing his students for Dr. Wesley’s all day workshop at New Hope Academy.
- Dr. Patricia Jabbeh Wesley introduces Sister Mary Laurene Brown, president of Stella Maris Polytechnic in Monrovia, where the ceremony was held.
- Sister Mary Laurene Brown, president of Stella Maris Polytechnic in Morovia, speaking in welcome as YSL held its closing program at her university. She donated a hall known as the Blue Room for the closing and awards program on July 23.
- Mr. Kenneth Y. Best, founder and owner of the Daily Observer, Liberia’s oldest and most prestigious newspaper. He was the guest speaker at the closing program in Monrovia.
- Student reading her original work at the closing ceremony in Monrovia
- Student reading his original work at the closing ceremony in Monrovia
- Student reading her original work at the closing ceremony in Monrovia
- Student reading her original work at the closing ceremony in Monrovia
- Closing ceremony in Monrovia
- A rapt audience (and maybe a future student?) listens to students read their work at the closing ceremony
- Closing ceremony in Monrovia, July 23, 2019
- A group of students pose with two of the Mentee-Mentors and Dr. Patricia Jabbeh Wesley after the closing program on July 23 in Monrovia, Liberia