
Dominican College

Kathryn Tietz, Victoria Walters, Abigail Troeder, Laura Wojdyla

Children and adults with ADHD have trouble attending to a task and keeping their focus on that task. Many of these people are motivated to perform better in their daily life without pharmacological assistance, but are unable due to their attention deficits. Specifically, school aged children who are developing vital skills in class are unable to keep up with the work; as a result they attend additional services which pull them out of class, such as OT and AIS. AttendIT is a device made for the self-motivated school-aged child with ADHD that wants to succeed in class. It uses a timer and small LED lights that turn on at the end of the timer to remind the child to pay attention to the class lesson. The timer can be reset prior to the light turning on if the child sends the teacher a note based on the class lesson through a specific application (on a tablet or laptop), triggering the teacher to manually reset the timer with a button. This device is meant to allow the child to self-regulate their attention via minor visual cues and their own motivation to do well in class. The device’s timer is adjustable and it include a counter that tracks how many time the light turns on, allowing data to be collected on each day the child uses it and if there are improvements in their performance.

RESNA Design Brief

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