WIP #5 Topic for Persuasive Essay

For my persuasive essay a topic I’d be interested in writing about is the issue of euthanasia and assisted suicide and how they are viewed by society.

Purpose statement: In the case of euthanasia and assisted suicide, the value society has for human life overrides the value we have for freedom of choice. However, overvaluing life carries with it the danger of forcing people to live even if they would rather choose to die. Therefore, a shift towards a stronger value of freedom of choice is necessary in this societal issue.

I think that the issue of euthanasia and assisted suicide is a notably important societal issue to address because it deals with two societal concepts that often come into direct opposition with each other: the value of a human life and the value of freedom of choice. In other words, it deals with not only how society values a human life versus how one individually values their own life, but it also deals with the issues of whether one has the freedom to choose how to live (or in this case end) their own life.

I’m particularly intrigued by this issue because I’m interested in the dynamics of the opposing values and how each one displays an ideal in our society. I also don’t believe that this is an issue that many people have thought about even though it could pertain directly to their own life at some point.

I think that the words “euthanasia” and “assisted suicide” carry with them a very negative connotation. The word euthanasia is usually linked with the putting down of animals therefore using this word makes people uncomfortable because it seems to put us on the same level as something “less” than us. Suicide tends to be looked down upon in general by society and therefore implying that one would help, or “assist”, someone in such an act disturbs many people.


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2 Responses to WIP #5 Topic for Persuasive Essay

  1. Ngoc-Tram Bui says:

    Wow, really interesting. A dark topic, but one that should definitely be brought to attention and discussed. Good luck on your paper!

  2. Brandon Nicklas says:

    This is a really interesting topic, because people often assume that no matter what people will always want to continue living. In a lot of cases, people are in so much pain that they would much rather end their life than having to keep enduring the pain until they end up dying a natural death.

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