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I am actively seeking opportunities in the marketing industry.

Sara Singh graduation day photo
Graduation from Penn State University. August 2020.


I graduated in August from Pennsylvania State University with a Bachelor of Science in Integrated Social Science and a minor in Media Studies. My program focused on political science, communication, journalism, and qualitative research.

Throughout my time at university, I worked full-time. In my last year of school, I balanced full-time work, half-time school with a part-time internship with the U.S. government, and extracurricular activities.

Through the power of perseverance and a unique balancing act, I managed to make it all work and graduated Summa Cum Laude as a first-generation college graduate.

With this experience, I am now exceptionally organized and am always well-prepared using a series of checklists, calendars, and reminders to stay on top of projects. Over the years, I’ve realized that I enjoy multi-tasking and keeping busy.


Photography by Sara Singh. This image was taken in Badlands National Park, SD.
The photo was taken by Sara Singh in Badlands National Park, SD.

I moved to Central Florida in 2019 from Columbus, OH., and am originally from Northwest Arkansas. While I am an Arkansas native, my family is from Arkansas and Colorado.

I moved away from home in 2016 and relocated to Rapid City, SD., with my partner. In the same year, we moved to Columbus, OH., where we resided for 3.5 years, before making the transition to beautiful and sunny Florida.

I am currently located in Maitland, FL., where my neighbors just happen to be 2 young alligators.


Glacier National Park Photo by Sara Singh
The photo was taken by Sara Singh in Glacier National Park, MT.

I am an avid traveler, and in my free time, I love to cook Indian food and bake sweet treats.

When I’m not working, I am off on my next adventure or cooking up something delightful. If you need inspiration on Indian home cooking, with an American twist, feel free to ask me more about it.

Little known fact, since moving to Florida, I took up birding and enjoy spotting and identifying birds all around the country in my spare time. My favorite species right now are Wood Storks.




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