A big shout out to Vicky, Keira, and Zoe from the UK at VitalPartnerships!! I’ve been talking with faculty at Cornell, Cal State Fullerton, and other institutions in the US about how we used ELLI last year and it has been wonderful getting to know folks with these same interests/questions about student success! about using ELLI – nice
We’ve been putting our heads together about how to get the word out to folks in the US about how the Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory has been used. Since we had such good results with our students from last fall, they’ve kindly asked me to share some of our experiences with other interested parties on this side of the Atlantic. We’ve done a few test runs with webinar software and thinking about doing a Q & A in early fall to start the ball rolling.
I’ve made a short video about our experience here: Get in touch if you need a transcript of the video.
A more detailed video about how we approached the learning dimensions to come! Details from last year’s project can be found here
Fall 2015, I’ll be using ELLI again with my paired college reading course that this year we’ll pair with an intro to anthropology course. Should be another interesting semester!