Spencer Foundation Small Research Grants: Update

Every day is a new learning opportunity. I submitted a small grant to the Spencer Foundation to purchase a set of iPad Minis to use in my fall college reading course (Fall 2015) for later use by other faculty. It was a great experience, working with Lisa Wiedemer in University College Grant Relations. What a tremendous help she was! Now we wait and cross our fingers!

Title: Using a Paired Course Model and Reflective Exercises on a Mobile Device to Improve First-Year Success for Underprepared Commuter Students

Interested in submitting a small grant (<$50,000.00) to Spencer? See their guidelines

School of hard knocks… we didn’t get the grant… Lisa Wiedemer at the Office of Sponsored Programs who helped us tremendously, was so gracious and encouraging…She said most do not get funded – but if you never try, you’ll never get… so keep plugging away – I’ll look for other venues to submit….perhaps a local donor for a worthy cause!!!

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