I’ve taken some really great MOOCs over the last few years, and I thought it might be nice to start a list if others have some recommendations! Here are some I’ve taken and really liked! Even if they aren’t offered at the moment, you can usually sign up for a watch list to be notified when they run again.
DS106 – Digital Storytelling Mary Washington University – http://ds106.us/
Foundations of Data Analysis (EdX) U. Texas Austin – https://www.edx.org/course/foundations-data-analysis-utaustinx-ut-7-01x
The Science of Happiness (EdX) UC Berkeley – https://www.edx.org/course/science-happiness-uc-berkeleyx-gg101x
Learning How to Learn (Coursera) UC San Diego – https://www.coursera.org/learn/learning-how-to-learn
Statistics 1 (Coursera) Princeton – https://www.coursera.org/course/stats1
Penn State has several MOOCs running – see updates at http://news.psu.edu/tag/mooc
These are free courses, open to the public… What’s not to like?! Add your favorites to this list through the comments section!