We are piloting 3D Printers given to us from ETS – and I’m gathering lessons learned here along with problems encountered, solutions derived, and projects completed…
1. Intergrating MakerBot software with CLC computers
- Makerbot Desktop program be installed on PCs in the classroom – our IT asking CLC Windows Group to be involved – get a request entered for this software now, so that the windows team has time to look at it: http://clc.its.psu.edu/labs/software/request – From Ryan W. – ETS has been working with CLC on the new lab image for Media Commons computers that will be introduced for fall semester. On the lab image will be the Makerbot desktop software as well as (potentially) other useful 3D printing/scanning software. We’re in the early stages of that discussion. As CLC runs the CLM program, I’ve copied Rusty and Justin on the email regarding your own efforts to install the Makerbot Desktop software. They’ll know more about that arrangement than I will and, if it’s not them, point you to the right people to talk to regarding your own CLM labs.
2. Equipment breakdown
- Green Smart extruder broken – summer 2015 – from Ryan W. – ship the troublesome smart extruder back to UP and I can take a look at it. If it’s not something I can fix, then I’ll need to call it into MakerCare. As I don’t have a supply of smart extruders, the machine would unfortunately be down until we can get a new one. Please include the serial number of the machine with the smart extruder.
3. Software issues
- From Amy K. – we can create objects in Makerbot Desktop, export them to print, and when we try to print, we get error message “Fail to start print”. In searching Makerbot support and google with the error text, we have not been able to come up with anything to attempt resolution. The printer will print the examples currently in memory and files loaded earlier in the semester. The printer will recognize the files we created when the USB is selected, show picture of object and estimated print time. All seems normal until we start the print – which results in the error message.
4. 3D Projects Underway/completed