Faculty Satisfaction Survey

As an extension of my work in HiED 830, Designing Institutional Research Studies, I was able to create and launch a faculty satisfaction survey on campus at our opening campus meetings in August 2015. I analyzed the data during the fall semester and have presented the findings to our campus academic leadership. The findings and recommendations were presented to faculty at the campus senate meeting in January.

Our current senate chair, Dr. Joe Downing, led an activity with faculty to prioritize the issues that arose from the survey.  Faculty voted, using clickers, to choose the top three priorities to be addressed in SP 2016. The three items were:

  • Compensation & Recognition
  • Service: Equitable distribution of workload, meaningfulness of service work, effectiveness of service work
  • Teaching: More options for evaluation of teaching, incentives to attend professional development, updating classrooms and learning spaces

It has been very satisfying to put what I am learning to practice and to have action items that can actually make a difference for people on campus! Stay tuned! A shout out to my former professor, Dr. Nick Warcholak, formerly of PSU IR, now the Assistant Director of Institutional Research at Boise State University who has gone above and beyond the call of duty, helping me through the process… I am very grateful for the continued expert support!

PART-Time Faculty Results                                  FULL-Time Faculty Results

PT Faculty Results InfographicFull time Faculty Surevey Results Infographic

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