Attended the PA Developmental Educators conference in June with Joan Smeltzer and Cora Dzubak and had the great good fortune to speak with Deb Daiek, the current president of the national organization, NADE, about mindfulness as a holistic approach to teaching and learning. One thing led to another, and I was invited to do a webinar for the NADE membership in September ’18. What a great opportunity to update my thoughts and approaches to incorporating mindfulness practices into instruction. My local faculty listened to my practice run at a Penn State York Colloquy and provided helpful feedback getting me ready to go!
Since that time, I’ve had other invitations to speak with faculty and students on this and other topics at various institutions which just reaffirms the importance of things like resilience, lifelong learning and mindfulness which are still very much in people’s consciousness. I have enjoyed this vein of inquiry very much, and it has given my last few years at PSU before retirement a very special meaning and purpose. I feel grateful!