Faculty Learning Community Websites

Here are our Fall TLT Faculty Learning Communities and their associated websites with updates!

Creativity in the Practice of Teaching – Leader: Noel Sloboda

This initiative will address traditional topics in pedagogy but from an unusual angle, with readings of poetry and non-fiction texts composed by educational professionals. Participants will not be limited to theoretical or rational analysis. Instead, they will engage their experiences as teachers on a personal level and on an emotional level. Besides sharing the work of others, participants will have opportunities to produce their own creative works, which will enable them to gain insights into and take ownership of their teaching in ways that they might not have previously enjoyed.  Here are some highlights from the fall sessions This group meets monthly on Thursdays in SP 2020.

Reading about Teaching in Higher Ed – Leader: Barb Eshbach

This groups meets monthly (Tuesdays) to discuss a current text on teaching in higher ed. In the fall, the group explored The Spark of Learning: Energizing the College Classroom with the Science of Emotion by Sarah Rose Cavanagh. Barb built a wonderful website with synopses and resources on the topic.

In spring, to group will be reading

Writing Towards Publication – Leader: Jennifer Nesbitt

Weekly meetings (Fridays) in the library at Penn State York (and via Zoom remotely) provide a quiet, supportive community format for working on writing or research pursuits. Each session ends with a half-hour reporting period during which participants share goals and milestones as well as seek advice and support in navigating publication and professional life. Pictures and information on group activities can be found here

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