Sample Syllabus Language


You MAY REQUIRE webcams for the purpose of exams/testing in remote teaching

You MAY NOT REQUIRE webcams for classroom participation… Here is some sample language for syllabi on this point (thanks to Robin Gill):

“In order to maximize collaboration in the delivery of courses in remote learning, I am strongly encouraging the use of the tools such as cameras, mics, and chat features in order to mimic the face to face classroom experience environment as much as possible.  While you are encouraged to use your webcam and mic whenever possible/appropriate during the classes conducted via Zoom, you are not required to do so. The University has a camera-optional practice for teaching through Zoom. I am aware that some students may have special circumstances that prevent the use of a webcam. However whenever engaging I strongly encourage all students who are able, to use the collaborative features such as cameras, chat, raise hand, and microphones in order to most fully participate and engage in the class.”
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