Let’s have some Plan B sharing for when things don’t go exactly to plan next week.
- Students did not read you email to tell them which day was their rotation in your mixed-mode class and have come on the wrong day.
- Put a PowerPoint slide up on the projector with every student’s name who SHOULD be in class that day. Everyone else should go to the campus Zoom room, log-in to class, and read your email – a teachable moment wink wink.
- Technology in the classroom isn’t working – you can’t access Zoom for whatever reason to communicate with your students on the far end – Do the following
- Call the IT HelpDesk 7177-71-4080 for help
- Have Zoom app installed on your phone or other portable device (your laptop, iPad, surface, etc.) and connect that way to the Zoom room to communicate with the far end until help can arrive.
- Check the phone numbers associated with your Zoom room and have them handy so you can simply call into the Zoom room to communicate with students using a phone (and not the Zoom app) – you can find these numbers now (before you need them) by logging into your zoom room. Next to the Mic icon on the bottom left of the screen, there’s an options carrot – Click on that and choose, Switch to Phone audio – a pop-up box will appear showing you several possible phone numbers to call into Zoom with. Write them down ahead of time and share these with students too if anyone is having difficulty with Internet connections.
- Have your PowerPoint or other materials handy in Canvas, so students can access the materials that way while they listen to you on Zoom via the phone if you cannot connect.
- Please reply to this post with other ideas!!!
It was suggested to me over the weekend that Microsoft Teams could be used in place of Zoom in an emergency. I’m not familiar with Teams myself, so I would need to get up to speed on this if I wanted to use it as a plan B-and actually create the Team for each class.