
Forgive me from straying away from my passion topic, but I’m way too excited about Thanksgiving break to think about anything else! In less than 48 hours I will at home in my bed snuggling with my dog. Just thinking about it makes me smile. πŸ™‚ It’s been a long just short of three months of college without any break aside from our one day off for Β Labor Day. I am going to enjoy this week of relaxation so much and I think it was well deserved by all of us!

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because all of my family gets together at my aunt’s house. My aunt happens to be the best cook in the world, as far as I’m concerned. I look forward to her cooking all year long, but after living away from home for a few months few things sound more appealing than a huge, home-cooked meal. After a delicious meal, I will play pitch with my mom and my aunts, which is one of my favorite holiday past times.

Aside from food and a lack of school work, I’m really just looking forward to spending time with my parents. Like the usual teenager, I certainly had my fair share of quarrels with my parents. I was sooo excited to come to school and gain some freedom. After being here though, I truly appreciate my parents so much more. I miss them way more than I thought I ever would. I really can’t wait to go home and live under my parents roof for a week again. I won’t even complain about my curfew and I’ll be happy to help my brother with his homework. Just get me home already!!

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5 Responses to Thanksgiving!

  1. Amanda Rees says:

    It is so close!!! We’re on the final stretch! I really cannot wait for Thanksgiving, either. Funny coincidence – my family all gathers at my aunt’s house too! Reading your blog just made me think of all the delicious food I will be eating very, very soon. And all the faces I will get to see that I miss so very, very much. I hope you have a wonderful time over the break; it sounds like you have a great home to go back to! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Colleen Tygh says:

    Less than 48 hours until we are home!!! I literally could not be more excited. I want to see my dogs, spend time with my parents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, and meet up with all of my high school friends for the first time since the end of summer! I went home for the first time last weekend because my organization was canning in my township, and I found it weird that I missed all of my Penn State friends in the short two days I was gone. This past Sunday was a great reunion! So after Thanksgiving break is over, I can still look forward to seeing all my new friends here at school when I get back. πŸ™‚

  3. Emily Hanson says:

    I AM SO EXCITED FOR THANKSGIVING. I completely get what you’re saying about parents – I just needed a little break from them, like I need a break from school now… I feel a little badly saying this, but I miss my dog more than anything! My excuse is that I can’t just pick up the phone and call him, and he’s definitely cuddlier than anyone else in my family πŸ˜‰ . And, you know, I’m also excited for the food πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  4. Shanna Mason says:

    I am just as excited as you are to go home! I get daily text messages from my mother of a count down until she picks me up. There’s just so much to look forward to going home, definitely the home cooked food but one of my favorites will be sitting in front of the fireplace with my family just watching movies or football. Oh and who doesn’t love showering with out shoes on, the little things in life really make me happy. Hope you have a great break!

  5. Allison Lavella says:

    I cannot wait for Thanksgiving and break either! Your Thanksgiving traditions sound so nice! It’s understandable that you cannot wait for next week! I’m excited to go home too. I know exactly what you mean about wanting to get out when you’re home, but appreciating your family so much more when you are not there. I hope you have a great break and a well deserved week off !

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