Dialogic Pedagogy and Meaning-Making through Contemporary Art (June 24-28)
- Homework for Tuesday: Read iBooks tutorial (http://www.raywenderlich.com/32493/how-to-make-an-ebook-with-ibooks-author-tutorial) and watch video (iBooks Author Tutorial); read Becoming Dialogical: Creating a Place for Dialogue in Art Education by Mary Jane Zander and Reflection and Dialogue by B. Stephen Carpenter, II.
Tuesday (6/24)
- 9:15 am – BREAKFAST (210 Patterson Building)
- 10:00 am – Introductions (Print Study Room)
- 11:00 am – Overview of SICA
- 11:45 a.m. Welcome by Jan Muhlert, director of the Palmer Museum of Art, and Andrew Schulz, associate dean for research, College of Arts & Architecture
- noon – LUNCH (210 Patterson Building—students enrolled in AEd 597 meet with Dana & Steve)
- 1:00-2:00 pm iBooks overview with Angie Dick of Educational Technology Services (Print Study Room)
- 2:00 -4:00 Introduction to the galleries & activity (2nd floor galleries)
Homework for Wednesday: Read Principles for Interpreting Art by Terry Barrett. Write a reflection on the following questions and submit to alphonso@psu.edu: What are your understandings of dialogic pedagogy? At this point, what dialogic implications do you see for your own pedagogy?
Wednesday (6/25)
- 9:15 am – BREAKFAST (210 Patterson Building)
- 10:00 am – Discussion (Print Study Room)
- 11:00 am – Lecture by Dr. Terry Barrett, Professor Emeritus, The Ohio State University and University of North Texas (Print Study Room)
- noon – LUNCH (210 Patterson Building)
- 1:00-3:00 pm – Galleries: Making and sharing personal connections (2nd floor galleries)
- 3:00-4:00 Dialogic reflection (Print Study Room)
Homework for Thursday: Read Considerations for a Contemporary Art Curriculum by Melinda Mayer. Write a reflection on the following questions and submit to alphonso@psu.edu: How do you define personal meaning making? How do you define group interpretation? How do notions of personal meaning making and group interpretation inform your role as an interpretive facilitator?
Thursday (6/26)
- 9:15 am – BREAKFAST (210 Patterson Building)
- 10:00 am – Discussion (Print Study Room)
- 11:00 am – Discussion with Dr. Sarah K. Rich, associate professor of art history (Print Study Room)
- noon – LUNCH (210 Patterson Building)
- 1:00-3:00 pm – Galleries (2nd Floor Galleries)
- 3:00 pm – Dialogic reflection (Print Study Room)
Homework for Friday: Read Children Never Were What they Were by Paul Duncum and Understanding the Artmaking Process: Reflective Practice by Sydney Walker. Write a reflection on the following questions and submit to alphonso@psu.edu: How and why is contemporary art useful for discussing “big ideas” (Mayer, 2008)? In what ways are “big ideas” (Walker, 2004) useful to discuss challenging subject matter with your students?
Friday (6/27)
- 9:15 am – BREAKFAST (210 Patterson Building)
- 10:00 am – Discussion (Print Study Room)
- 11:00 am – Embodied pedagogy discussion with Dr. Kimberly A. Powell, associate professor of education and art education
- Noon-1:00 p.m LUNCH (210 Patterson Building)
- 1:00-3:00 pm – Studio/production (Patterson Building)
Homework for Saturday: Write a reflection on the following questions and submit to alphonso@psu.edu: How do your conceptions of childhood and children inform your curricular decisions? How do memories of your own childhood inform your pedagogy?
Saturday (6/28)
- 9:15 am – BREAKFAST (210 Patterson Building)
- 10:00-12:00 pm – iBook documentation/wrap up/continuing the dialogue (Patterson Building)