2019 Summer Institute

SICA 2019


June 18-21, 2019


How do we make our daily lives part of the art curriculum?

What relationships exist between art and life?

What can be learned about life through the study and creation of art?

What can be learned about art through the ways in which we live our lives?


Join other teachers for four days of professional development in the exploration of art, life, and learning.

B. Stephen Carpenter, II (SICA Director and Interim Director of the School of Visual Arts) will be the lead instructor.

Ann Tarantino (Assistant Professor of Art and Landscape Architecture) and Michelle Bae-Dimitriadis (Assistant Professor of Art Education) will each lead a session based on their art practice and research.

Chris Staley (Distinguished Professor of Art) will co-teach two days of workshops.

Catering by Ecovents




SICA is possible thanks to the generous financial gifts from the Brown Family, Harold & Susan Quinque, Friends of the Palmer Museum of Art, and the School of Visual Arts.


Penn State School of Visual Arts