What makes people happy?

      Wouldn’t we all love to know what makes people happy? The key to happiness might just be easier then you might think, believe it or not its the simple things that typically make a person happy! Keep reading for doe great tips on how to boost your happiness. 

      We all have different ideas of “happiness” but these simple tips seem to be true for everyone. Simply start to exercise more!! Some scientists believe that if people exercise just 7 minutes a day they will become happier. Especially people with diagnosed or self-diagnoised depression tend to get happier with the addition of exercise into their lives. Although this has been proven to help people with depression, non-depressed people will benefit from this as well. 
      Along with exercising more people who sleep more than they do now will most likely become happier. Sleep helps our body recover from the day, seep also repairs themselves and helps our bodies to focus more which therefore makes us more productive as humans. Sleeping helps a person be less sensitive to negative emotions throughout the day therefore making them happier with more positive emotions. 
       Although at the moment this won’t effect us college students, studies have shown having a closer commute to work will make one happier over having a larger house further away. 
      Take more tim to spend with friends and family. Not doing so is one of the top five regrets people have on their deathbeds. Spend your extra time with those who are close to you. 
      Next, go outside! According to scientists the prime happiness temperature is 13.9 degrees Celsius.Going outside on a nice day helps everyone to become more happy!
      This tip has to be one of my favorites, help someone out. Pay it forward! Helping out other people 100 hours a year is the prime number. This is only two hours a week, its a simple thing to do but many disregard to help others. 
      So when your feeling down or just not the happiest remember to do those things, they probably will boost your happiness. 
If you wanna read more on what makes people happy check out this article on Why older people are happier

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