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  • Three-color smFRET microscope

The main theme of our research is to elucidate how various chromatin modifications affect the dynamics and functions of the nucleosome, chromatosome, nucleosome arrays, and related enzymes such as histone chaperone, chromatin remodelers, RNA Polymerase II, and various transcription factors. The nucleosome is made of a short fragment of DNA wrapped around an octameric histone protein core. Histones are rich targets for post-translational modifications that often serve as an epigenetic signal. See the examples in the slide show how we investigated the roles of several DNA and histone modifications in altering the structure and dynamics of the nucleosome and chromatin and eventually in regulating genome transactions. These changes are often asynchronous and buried in an ensemble average. We employ various single-molecule methods to approach these problems.

We constantly develop and employ single-molecule methods to achieve our research aims. Single-molecule spectroscopy and microscopy provide efficient ways to monitor sub-population dynamics, thereby yielding valuable information complementing ensemble measurements. High-sensitivity imaging devices and several innovative signal-processing techniques have boosted the popularity of single-molecule methods in many fields of science and engineering. A few recent additions of single-molecule methods to the field of biophysics include single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer, nanometer (co)localization of single fluorophores, rotational and translational motion tracking of single particles, and single-molecule manipulation with optical or magnetic tweezers. We utilize all of these methods to study our problems.

Please see the publication list to find out more about our research.