Requesting enrollment in a SPLED major class

What other SPLED classes can I take for the SPLED minor?

Students interested in the SPLED Minor only should take SPLED 419 and 461 in the summer. Both will be provided as distance education options ( you do not need to be at University Park).  SPLED 419 and 461 for SPLED minors are only offered in the summer.

*The section of SPLED 461 that is offered in the summer is a special section designed for SPLED minors (pre-service professionals), and  is made available to all interested SPLED minors. The World Campus offering of SPLED 461 that is provided during the spring semester is reserved for individuals who are in the Penn State Autism Certificate Program – this means that all of the people in the spring offering of SPLED 461 are experienced teachers in a post-baccalaureate degree program (i.e., they already have initial teaching certification and multiple years of teaching experience). These experienced teachers are taking SPLED 461 in the spring as part of 12 credits of coursework on working with children and adults with autism, therefore the spring offering is not available  for pre-service teachers. The World Campus offering of SPLED 419 that is that is provided during the spring semester is also reserved for students in the SPLED Masters of Education program, and also is designed for experienced teachers in a post-baccalaureate degree program (i.e., they already have initial teaching certification and multiple years of teaching experience).

Students who choose to do the SPLED Minor and who are considering applying for the SPLED M Ed 4+1 program should take SPLED 419 and 525  in the summer after their junior year. These classes will both satisfy the SPLED minor and position the student to apply for the SPLED M Ed program. Please note that the 3 credit version of SPLED 419 is needed for SPLED M Ed

We will also, to the best of our ability, make some selected special education courses that are typically restricted to SPLED majors (e.g., SPLED 411) available to students in the SPLED minor in the fall and spring semesters.

* If you are planning on applying for the SPLED M Ed 4+1 program we recommend that you take SPLED 419 (3 credits) and SPLED 525, as this will result in the most efficient M Ed program for you. The classes below are most appropriate for students who are interested in the SPLED Minor only.

Seats will be allocated based on student’s credit standing (number of credit hours accumulated), we cannot guarantee that all interested students will be enrolled.   The credits taken in fall and spring can not take the place of 400 or 403, but can count towards the additional 5 credits of SPLED required (e.g., 419 or 461). Taking one of the classes below can replace one of 419 or 461.  Listed prerequisites for the class will be waived. Please note: Students should take SPLED 418, or 419, but not both.

To apply for a class, please email Dr. David McNaughton at from your Penn State email account. In your email, please

  • identify the class (or classes) you wish to take, and the semester for which you are applying,  from the list below
  • attach a pdf of a current audit

Students will be notified of decisions within 2 weeks of the application due dates. Please do not apply for a class for which you currently have a scheduling conflict.

Please note, that although LionPath may permit you to place these classes in your “shopping cart”, you will not be enrolled unless you follow the process described above. Students who do not follow the procedures listed here ( e.g., students who self-enroll) will be removed from the class by the instructor.

We anticipate a small number of openings in the following classes:

Fall 2023 (please submit application by April 10, 2023)

  • SPLED 401
  • SPLED 425
  • SPLED 418

Spring 2024 (please submit application by November 18, 2023)

  • SPLED 404
  • SPLED 411
  • SPLED 454

If you are planning on applying for the SPLED 4+1 M Ed,  you should select 401, 418, 411, 425, or 454 from the list above ( they can be counted towards the requirements for the SPLED 4+1 M Ed.)

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