Presentations ( click each presentation to have access to the presentation slides)
Mizumatsu, M., Wang, N. & Heiser, R (2019, Oct) “Introducing SPOT to Cross-cultural Class at a Japanese University: Enriching the Student Learning Experience”, Association for Educational Communications and Technology 2017 Annual Conference (AECT), Las Vegas, NV, Oct 21st – 25th, 2019
Wang, N. & Heiser, R. (2019, July) “When neuroscience meets HCI: the future of instructional design”, the Pennsylvania State University LDSC Conference, University City, PA, July 22th.
Wang, N. & Heiser, R. (2019, March) “Beyond data dashboard: Social Performance Optimization Tool (SPOT)”, 2019 Symposium for Teaching and Learning with Technology at Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, March 16th, 2019
Heiser, R., Gregg, A, Wang, N & Garbrick, A. (2018, Oct) “Developing and Evaluating Social Performance Optimization Tool”, Association for Educational Communications and Technology 2017 Annual Conference (AECT), Kansas City, MO, Oct 23- Oct 27, 2018
Wang, N., Heiser, R., & Gregg, A. (2018, Sept) “Using social affective visualization to enhance learning performance: Integrating learning analytics with learning design”, Paper presented at the 2018 Annual Conference of International Council of Educational Media, Tallinn, Estonia, Sept 5-7.
Gregg, A., Wang, N., Heiser, R., Diehl, W., & Garbrick, A. (2018, July) “Piloting SPOT – Social Performance Optimization Tool”, Paper presented at the Pennsylvania State University LDSC Conference, University City, PA, July 17.
Wang, N. (2018, Apr) “Assessing K-12 students’ perceptions on an affect-based online learning web application”, Roundtable presented at the 2018 Annual Conference of American Educational Research Association, New York City, NY, April 13-17
Wang, N., Yeh, M., Gregg, A., Zhu, C., Garbrick, A. & Peck K. (2017, Sept) “Beyond Academic Grade Dashboard: Integrating Performance Visualization to Increase Peer Support: work in-progress”, International Conference on Education and e-Learning (EeL), Singapore, September 25-26, 2017
Wang, N. & Sensenig, Z. (2017, Sept). “User Interface Design in Online Learning Webapp” Workshop presented at the 2017 International Conference on Education Media (ICEM), Naples, Italy, September 20-22, 2017.
Wang, N., Gregg, A., Yeh, K.-C., Heiser, R. & Diehl, W. C. (2019). Pet avatars, performance visualization, and social presence. International Journal of Technology in Teaching and Learning, 15(1), 1-18.
Wang, N. (2019) Reflection of forming a research collaboration with an international university. TechTrends. 63: 243.
Wang, N., Yeh, M., Gregg, A., Zhu, C., Garbrick, A. & Peck K. (2017) Beyond Academic Grade Dashboard: Integrating Performance Visualization to Increase Peer Support: a work in-progress paper, In Proceedings of International Conference on Education and e-Learning (EeL), 72-75. Singapore: Global Science and Technology Forum.
Yeh, M., Gregg, A., Wang, N. & Yu, A. (2019, Oct) “Enhancing online social presence with the Social Performance Optimization Tool (SPOT)”, Association for Educational Communications and Technology 2017 Annual Conference (AECT), Las Vegas, NV, Oct 21- Oct 25, 2019