Zhi Zhou gave his first presentation at a national Acoustical Society of America held in Seattle, 11/29-12/3/21! His presentation entitled, Perception and Task Performance under Two Simulated Office Background Noise Conditions, was well received. Well done, Zhi!
Several members of SPRAL also attended the meeting and met up with a SPRAL alum, Matthew Neal!
Top row L-R: Michelle Vigeant and Matthew Neal, PhD ’19
Lower row L-R: Zane Rusk, Zhi Zhou, and Bharat Rajagopalan
Zane and Bharat also joined other Penn State students to play in a band at the ASA jam on Wednesday evening, 12/1/21. Was a pleasure to watch them play and hear the wonderful music!
Bharat on drums and Zane on base (left). Zane and Bharat swapped instruments for a later song.