Getting Started – Mobile Apps, Tablet Computing & Games and Gamification

In the article on Tablet Computing the review of the advances in screen technology, especially screen size and the ability to use simple gestures to move, compress, expand, and scroll demonstrates why people of all ages and abilities are captivated by such devices.  The intuitive design of tablets allows users to feel comfortable with the device and explore in ways that laptop and desktop users never would have considered. A decade ago I would often still heard from users that they were afraid to do something because the feared they would “break the computer”.

This ease also allows developers to create Apps that utilize the functionality of the device. Finding novel ways of incorporating these capabilities and targeting them for a small segment of the broader market allows for expanded creativity as explained in the Mobile Apps article. The distribution cost is negligible in comparison to the “old” way of software development and distribution which also allows creators to focus on the form not just function of the application and its capabilities.

Games and Gamification didn’t say anything not already known… people like to play! The use of games in large well know companies demonstrates the willingness to think outside the traditional box when considering how best to educate their employees. I am very interested in finding new ways of teaching my students new material both as an adviser and as an instructor. Although not a “game” in the traditional sense, Codecademy, is a site that I have personal experience with as it uses the awarding of badges lake  games do. Students in IST 250 use the tools to learn HTML and CSS.  The badges motivate them and allow for friendly competition to see who has more badges or who can get the best flawless streak.

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