Summary of Apps for group #2

Eric reviewed Video Ant ( , SeeSaw Web/Mobile (  and Aurasma  ( . Aurasma is an augmented reality app. Creators make auras that are tied to objects or locations. The hidden content is revealed when users with smart mobile devices use the app while viewing the object or location. SeeSaw is a artifact collection and organization tool that allows for journaling information and sharing with other users. Notation to the artifact can be with either audio, text or illustration. VideoAnt  allows users to  add notes on to videos from a variety of sources. These annotated videos can then be stored and shared with other who can also create notes.

Marjorie reviewed A Web Whiteboard ( , Edmodo ( and Open Study ( A web whiteboard is an easy to use, free web based whiteboard with a simple invite system which allow for easy access for collaboration. Edmoto is a social network for K-12 classroom use. It allows teachers, students to communicate and collaborate with access for parents to observe interactions. OpenStudy is a learning community where users can create and/or attend pre-existing study groups and provides another location for learners to work with others community learners or diverse groups with similar learning needs.


Nathan reviewed Duolingo (,  Padlet ( ,  and Quizlet ( . Duolingo is a specialized learning environment with a variety of tools to assist and track the progress of those trying to learn a new language. Padlet is a virtual cork board where users can post and organize a variety of artifact types and all items are subject to creators approval. Quizlet a fun and practical online flashcard creation site. The cards can be create individually or by groups and shared and the site has a game feature to make their use more engaging.


Kim reviewed Poster in my Pocket  (, Touchcast: ( and Poll Everywhere:  ( . Poster in my pocket is a way for presenters to share their poster presentation with as many attendees at conferences. Once creators submit the poster and generate a QR those who might not get io see the presentation can view it in greater detail later. TouchCast Is a video presentation tool that allows for overlaying a wide variety of content types and once produced also provides hosting services. PollEverwhere is an audience response system like iClicker but allows users to use their mobile devices to participate in polls, survey questions etc.


Stephen reviewed .Articulate Studio ( ) , ( , and Zoom ( . Articulate Studio is a very versatile suite of programs that allows users to either takes presentations (like PowerPoint) or create presentations from scratch and add interactive elements to create formative assessment or take surveys. Celly is an online social network created for school use teachers and students can create groups and share artifacts within the group or across groups. Zoom is a web conferencing toll where users can share presentation materials, desktops and collaborate using a variety of communication methods.

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