My Definition of Mobile Learning

My definition of mobile technology would be a feature rich, powerful, light weight, portable device using intuitive design that allow users the ability to engage globally. Extending the same definition of a device to learning would encompass those same features but would also be the inclusion that the learning is centered around the learner and not a time or place. For me this distinction is pointed out throughout the Sharples article Sharples (2013)  but by inference on page 8,  under the heading of Seemless learning. The statement “that students can learn whenever they are curious,”. To me the whenever assigns no time, no location and places the user at the core of learning in respect to mobility.

Sharples, M. (2013). Mobile learning: research, practice and challenges. Distance Education in China, 3(5), 5-11.​

On a lighter note, when I first looked, I thought it said “Definition of a mobile device”, I must be going snow blind since I’ve been looking out the window off and on all day. I’ll close this post out since the snow is getting deeper and I’ve been trapped in the house all day. I might have even heard a hoot owl howling by my window and If I type too much more I’ll start quoting the lyrics from “Wildfire” (that’s a musical reference from the 1970’s) if you’ve heard the song you’ll get the joke.

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