EDTEC 467 – Week #13 My Learning Philosophy, The Final Post

How has my Learning Philosophy changed? Answering this question for me was difficult. I have learned about may different things in this course as well as the other courses that I have taken so it’s not easy to say what has changed in my philosophy based on this class alone. I guess that’s part of my learning philosophy, nothing happens in a vacuum when it comes to learning.

Week 4 for me was a pivotal week in thinking about the variations that are important when it comes to learning. Going forward, it will be important for all people to recognize that lifelong learning is more of a necessity. I used to think my family unique, since my parents, brothers and sister have always learned for learning sake (but usually in a formal setting).  I also gained an appreciation that assessment is not always needed to show that knowledge has been attained. Much like James Paul Gee when he talked in the video, Videogames Learning and Literacy where the difficulty of the task in playing Halo you wouldn’t be tested on that it’s a known that the knowledge was gained in playing the game.
The area of my philosophy that it was most reinforced in this class however was that of social constructivist View. Some of the other courses that I’ve taken have reinforced the importance of community although initially I was not a fan of Slack using it along with blogs and reading my teammates blogs as well as other class members help to reinforce and change and hung hone my understanding of the topics ( research papers videos applications series theories Etc.)
Much like in John Sealy Brown video “meaning often emerges as much from context as content”. This sums up my philosophy in that, each context brings with it unique factors that play as significantly a role as does the material that’s being covered. Had I just taken this course and never reflected on other people’s thoughts or had other people reflect on my thoughts, I would not have gotten as much meaning out of the content. However, using this context helped develop a more meaningful understanding. In the example Henry Jenkins talked about participatory culture and civic engagement when referring to communities that have sprung up based on sharing of knowledge in areas of Interest. This aspect of the social constructivist idea is an aspect of education that I didn’t think much about in the past but will in the future.

Sorry for the video being so long, I thought I’d try something different. I would follow up with my opening with “search your feelings you know this to be true”.


So how has my Learning Philosophy changed, we’ll it hasn’t changed per se. Let’s just say, that what I knew as the reality of my philosophy has been augmented.  😉


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