About Me

Hello my name is Stephen Brown. I’m currently an academic adviser at the Penn State Abington campus. I have a Master of Science in Information Science from Penn State and a Bachelor of Science from Kutztown in Telecommunications (Television Production). Occasionally I teach Information Science and Technology courses at Abington (IST 110 and IST250). Although I’m not a Grateful Dead fan, when it comes to my path, I think of their lyrics “What a long strange trip it’s been.” And that is why I named my blog Steve’s Next Road in Learning.

I began my working career in the visual medium of television and film, which was appropriate given that I am a visual person and that is how I best acquire knowledge. When I began working in technology I often wondered how anyone could learn much reading technical manuals. I enjoyed teaching technology in a hands on setting as well as with both print visuals and video tutorials.

When I took on the challenge of Advising, most student contact was either by appointment or email. Although the official way of electronically communicating with students is with email I know that email is considered passé. As an adviser I used those same interests in new and different presentation methods to create tutorials for students to learn about University procedures and complex policies. I hope to be able to further influence student learning using their constant companions (their phones and tablets).

I know there is great potential in mobile technology by watching my daughter with her device. When the iPad first came out I debated whether it would be an appropriate tool for my daughter. However, after just a few moments I saw the potential for her, as well as the device. As someone who is mostly nonverbal, she is able to communicate using her iPad and develop her skills in learning as well as play.

My main focus for the LDT program is that I have a strong interest in technology and wish to augment my techie side with formal educational theory in instructional design. I look forward to learning with all of you on our new journey together.