Tag Archives: ZimmLDT505Fa15

Identity and Mobile Devices and Ubiquitous Online Environments

In reading the section on The Tethered Teen by Turkle (2008) page 125-127, I thought a lot about the idea of self-reliance and her description the rite of passage like in Huck Finn. When I was much younger, I was … Continue reading

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Theories to Understand Learning with Mobile Devices

In the overview of learning theories, Bransford et al. talk about a ‘decade of synergy” and discuss the background for the three ideas of implicit, informal and formal learning and attempt to address all three aspects of effective learning in … Continue reading

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Mobile Technologies in Everyday Life: Who is Using Devices and What Are They Doing in the Global Context?

I thought about changing my title to context, context and context. The idea of bringing aspects of life outside of school as informal learning into more formal school settings using new media and then using it to enrich the curriculum … Continue reading

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My Definition of Mobile Learning

My definition of mobile technology would be a feature rich, powerful, light weight, portable device using intuitive design that allow users the ability to engage globally. Extending the same definition of a device to learning would encompass those same features … Continue reading

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Mobil Technology: The History through Today

Regarding the Sharples article when siting the page numbers I’ll actually be siting the numbers 1-14 since the online version is different then the published 5-11. The cover page is page number one. One of the most interesting aspects of … Continue reading

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Getting Started – Mobile Apps, Tablet Computing & Games and Gamification

In the article on Tablet Computing the review of the advances in screen technology, especially screen size and the ability to use simple gestures to move, compress, expand, and scroll demonstrates why people of all ages and abilities are captivated … Continue reading

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