Published Papers
- Dhanorkar, S. and Muthulingam, S. Recycling Standards, Green Innovation, and Innovation Spillover: Evidence from California’s Electronic Waste Recycling Act (EWRA). 2024. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management [Forthcoming]
- Hardcopf, R. and Dhanorkar, S. 2024. How Environmental Accidents Influence Consumer ‘Green’ Behavior: An Econometric Analysis. Business Strategy and the Environment [Forthcoming]
- Muthulingam, S., Dhanorkar, S. and Corbett, C. 2022. Does Water Scarcity Affect Environmental Performance? Evidence from Manufacturing Facilities in Texas. Management Science, 68(4), pp. 2785-2805.
- Dhanorkar, S. and Burtch, G. 2022. The Heterogeneous Effects of P2P Ride-Hailing on Traffic: Evidence from Uber’s Entry in California. Transportation Science, 56(3), pp.567-798
- Dhanorkar, S. and Siemsen, E. 2021. How Nudges Lead to Improved Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing: Evidence from Archival Data and Field Study. Production and Operations Management, 30(10), pp.3735-3757
- Hardcopf, R., Shah, R. and Dhanorkar, S. 2021. The impact of a spill or pollution accident on firm environmental activity: An empirical investigation Production and Operations Management, 30(8), pp.2467-2491
- Dhanorkar, S., Donohue, K. and Linderman, K., 2020. Online B2B Markets for Industrial Product Reuse: Evidence from an Operational Policy Change. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 23(6), pp.1333-1682
- Dhanorkar, S. and Muthulingam, S. 2020. Do E‐Waste Laws Create Behavioral Spillovers? Quasi‐Experimental Evidence from California. Production and Operations Management, 29(7), pp.1738-1766.
- Dhanorkar, S., 2019. Environmental benefits of internet-enabled C2C closed-loop supply chains: A quasi-experimental study of Craigslist. Management Science, 65(2), pp.660-680.
- Bellamy, M., Dhanorkar, S. and Subramanian R., 2020. Administrative Environmental Innovations, Supply Network Structure, and Environmental Disclosure. Journal of Operations Management, 66(7-8), pp.895-932. (Special Issue on Supply Network Innovation)
- Villena, V.H. and Dhanorkar, S., 2020. How institutional pressures and managerial incentives elicit carbon transparency in global supply chains. Journal of Operations Management, 66(6), pp.697-734.
- Dhanorkar, S., Kim, Y. and Linderman, K., 2019. An empirical investigation of transaction dynamics in online surplus networks: A complex adaptive system perspective. Journal of Operations Management, 65(2), pp.160-189. (Special Issue on Complex Adaptive Systems)
- Dhanorkar, S.S., Siemsen, E. and Linderman, K., 2018. Promoting change from the outside: Directing managerial attention in the implementation of environmental improvements. Management Science, 64(6), pp.2535-2556.
- Dhanorkar, S., Donohue, K. and Linderman, K., 2015. Repurposing materials and waste through online exchanges: overcoming the last hurdle. Production and Operations Management, 24(9), pp.1473-1493.
- Su, H.C., Dhanorkar, S. and Linderman, K., 2015. A competitive advantage from the implementation timing of ISO management standards. Journal of Operations Management, 37, pp.31-44.
Working Papers (Under Review)
- Zhou, Y., Dhanorkar, S. and Song, J. Collateral Damage! Environmental Risk Shocks and Process Innovation
- Dhanorkar, S., Park, S., and Wang, L. Cheap Thrills! When Supercenters Spur Consumer Waste
- Dhanorkar, S., Noh, I., and Muthulingam, S. Does Marijuana Legalization Degrade Manufacturing? Evidence from a Quasi-experiment
- Zhuang, Z., Noh, I., Dhanorkar, S., and Zhao, H. Do Drug Shortages Adversely Affect Drug Quality? An Empirical Analysis.
- Jabr, W. and Dhanorkar, S. Can Internet Penetration Help Curb Pollution? Implications for Marginalized Communities
- Hardcopf, R., Dhanorkar, S., and Devaraj, S., Fueling or Dousing the Flames? Environmental Accidents and Strategic Silence
- Adbi, A., Burtch, G. and Dhanorkar, S. Do Mandatory Electronic Waste Laws Crowd Out Voluntary Environmental Initiatives? Evidence from A Quasi-experiment
- David, P., Devaraj, S., Dhanorkar, S. and Hart, T. Impression Management through Greenwashing: When Do Shareholders Value Symbolism over Substance?