Class of 2017
Community, Environment, and Development
Schreyer Honors Scholar
College of Agricultural Sciences
Penn State University Park
Nominated by Denice Wardrop
Alanna received this award for her dedication to social justice and ethical leadership in promoting productive dialogue between students, faculty, and university administration on the ethics of climate change and fossil fuel divestment
Watch & learn about her ethical leadership
Do you know a Penn State undergraduate student who stands up for a belief, a cause, or an idea?
The Rock Ethics Institute created the Stand Up Awards in 2008 to honor Penn State undergraduate students who demonstrate the courage to stand behind a cause, idea, or belief as they exhibit ethical leadership on campus and in the community.
![Stand Up 10th Anniversary Logo Stand Up 10th Anniversary Logo](https://sites.psu.edu/standuppsu/files/2016/11/Reverse-CLA-mark-in-color-10jj8dz.png)
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