Message Templates

Certain Starfish functions send messages to students and service providers. Different Starfish roles have different privileges for creating and viewing messages.

DUS Advisors talking with student at table

Message Types

Note: In the templates below, everything in square brackets (“[ ]”) will be filled in automatically by Starfish.

Messages from Course Progress Surveys

Overview of Progress Surveys

When Instructors and TAs complete progress surveys in Starfish, the feedback they give creates tracking items called flags, kudos, and to-dos. Once a tracking item is submitted, a template email is sent to the student and, for certain items, the student’s Assigned Adviser and select members of a student’s personalized Success Network. Any additional comments added by the instructor are included in the email message and are extremely helpful, especially if specific help is desired.

These tracking items are meant to draw attention to actions that the student or others can take that will help the student improve learning and course performance. Academic advisers and learning support professionals use this information to directly support students with the most needs.

Records of tracking items and added comments are retained in the student’s Starfish folder and are visible to those in Academic Leadership, Advising Records and Support, Assigned Adviser, and General Adviser roles, as well as select members of the student’s Success Network, even after they have been marked as resolved.

These tracking items can also be raised outside of progress survey periods by using one of the two other methods for providing feedback to a student and their Starfish Success Network. Note: Instructors can only raise flags, kudos, or to-dos for students currently enrolled in their courses.

Early Indicators Survey

Completed during weeks 3-4 of the semester. This period of time is critical for students who need to make changes, before it is too late to improve course outcomes.

(Kudos) Outstanding performance
  • Description: Instructors use for a student whose performance is commendable. A message with comments is sent to the student. Comments are visible to the student and others.
  • Expected action: Student continues to excel
  • From:
  • To: Student
  • Subject: ‌‌Outstanding performance in [Course Section Id]
  • Email Body:

Dear [Student Chosen First Name],

Your instructor, [Raiser Name], recognized your outstanding performance in [Course Section Id] ([Course Name]). Kudos on your significant achievements!

[Your instructor shared these comments: Raise Notes]

(Kudos) Meeting Expectations
  • Description: Instructors may provide positive reinforcement for students who are meeting or exceeding expectations (e.g., good attendance and participation; showing mastery of foundational concepts, etc.). May be coupled with recommendations for further improvement. A message with comments is sent to the student. Comments are visible to the student and others.
  • Expected action: Student continues to meet expectations, or becomes motivated to increase their engagement
  • From:
  • To: Student
  • Subject: Meeting expectations in [Course Section Id]
  • Email Body:

Dear [Student Chosen First Name],

Your instructor, [Raiser Name], indicated your progress is meeting expectations in [Course Section Id] ([Course Name]). Well done!

[Your professor shared these comments: Raise Notes]

Remember that office hours, academic advising [Link to Student’s Success Network], tutoring, and other learning and personal support resources are available to further enhance your experience in the course.

(Flag) Attendance or login concern
  • Description: Instructors should raise this flag for concerns about a student’s class attendance (e.g., never attended, not attending regularly, stopped attending, arriving late/leaving early). For online courses, instructors should raise this flag when a student has never accessed the course content or does so only infrequently or for an insufficient amount of time.
  • Expected action: Student makes changes to attendance/logins or addresses persistent challenges with instructor, TA, or adviser; Assigned Adviser reaches out to student to assist
  • From:
  • To: Student, CC: Assigned Adviser, select members of Success Network
  • Subject: ‌‌Attendance or login concern in [Course Section Id]
  • Email Body:

Dear [Student Full Name],

Your instructor, [Raiser Name], raised a concern about your attendance or logins for [Course Section Id] ([Course Name]).

[Your instructor has shared these comments: Raise Notes]

If you are experiencing challenges that make regular attendance in this specific class problematic, talk to your instructor or TA.

If you do not intend to complete this course, please talk with an academic adviser [link to the student’s Success Network] about your options as soon as possible.

If you are experiencing attendance challenges in multiple classes, you can find help in addressing the underlying issue. Your academic adviser [Link to Student’s Success Network] is a good place to start that conversation.

Penn State resources such as learning supportpersonal supportbasic needs support, and disability services may also be helpful.

(To-Do) Instructor's Recommendation: Participate more consistently
  • Description: Instructors use when a student needs to change their attendance or their engagement with a course or course materials. A message with comments is sent to the student. Comments are visible to the student and others.
  • Expected action: Student makes changes to attendance, use of course materials, etc.
  • From:
  • To: Student
  • Subject: Participate more consistently in [Course Section Id]
  • Email Body:

Dear [Student Chosen First Name],

Your instructor, [Raiser Name], recommends that you come to class or the online course space and engage more consistently in [Course Section Id] ([Course Name]).

Learning to engage effectively in courses takes time and effort but can lead to better understanding and grades. This all starts with “showing up”—whether in class or with course content.

[Your instructor has shared these comments: Raise Notes]

Next steps:

  • If you’re experiencing challenges in this class that make engagement difficult, talk to your instructor or teaching assistant (TA) or follow any guidance they’ve provided.
  • If you’re experiencing challenges in multiple classes, start a conversation with your [Link to Student’s Success Network: academic adviser] on how you can address them.
  • Once you’ve made changes, [Link to Student Dashboard: mark this to-do done] and keep up the effort.

Penn State resources such as personal supportbasic needs support, and disability services may also be helpful.

(To-Do) Instructor's Recommendation: Attend office hours
  • Description: Instructors use when a student should attend office hours with instructor or TA. A message with comments is sent to the student. Comments are visible to the student and others.
  • Expected action: Student uses office hours as instructed in the syllabus
  • From:
  • To: Student
  • Subject: ‌Attend office hours for [Course Section Id]
  • Email Body:

‌Dear [Student Chosen First Name],

Your instructor, [Raiser Name], recommends that you attend office hours for [Course Section Id] ([Course Name]).

Office hours are times of the week that instructors or teaching assistants (TAs) reserve to help students and get to know them better.

[Your instructor has shared these comments: Raise Notes]

Next steps:

  • Check your course syllabus for office hours.
  • Review some tips for using office hours productively.
  • Once you’ve gone to office hours, [Link to Starfish dashboard: mark this to-do done ].
(To-Do) Instructor's Recommendation: Seek tutoring or learning support
  • Description: Instructors use when a student would benefit from tutoring or other learning support resources. If course-based help is available from somewhere other than the campus’s learning center, comments are encouraged. A message with comments is sent to the student.
  • Expected action: Student uses campus or course-related tutoring resources; Campus learning center follows up with students
  • From:
  • To: Student
  • Subject: Seek tutoring or learning support for [Course Section Id]
  • Email Body:

‌Dear [Student Chosen First Name],

Your instructor, [Raiser Name], recommends that you use tutoring or other learning support resources for [Course Section Id] ([Course Name)].

Did you know that students who use campus tutoring improve their exam scores and course grades? Penn State tutoring services are covered by your tuition, so there is no extra charge to you.

[Your instructor has shared these comments: Raise Notes]

Next steps:

  • Visit the webpage for your campus learning center to (1) schedule a tutoring appointment or (2) contact the learning center about other learning support resources if tutoring is not available for this course.
  • Many classes also provide supplemental learning opportunities that you can find in your course syllabus or [Link to Student’s Success Network: Starfish Success Network].
  • Once you’ve started tutoring, [Link to student dashboard: mark this to-do done].

Penn State resources such as office hoursacademic advisingpersonal supportbasic needs support, and disability services may also be helpful.

(To-Do) Instructor's Recommendation: Talk with your adviser
  • Description: Instructors use when a student should talk with their academic adviser about something related to their course. A message with comments is sent to the student and the student’s assigned adviser. Comments are visible to the student and others. COMMENTS REQUIRED
  • Expected action: Student meets with their assigned adviser; Assigned Adviser is available and follows up with students
  • From:

Message to adviser:

  • To: Assigned Adviser, select members of Success Network
  • Subject: ‌[Student Full Name] referred to you by [Raiser Name] to talk about [Course Section Id]
  • Email Body:

‌Dear [Recipient First Name],

[Raiser Name] has asked [Student Full Name] ([Student Id], [Student Email]) to talk with you about [Course Section Id] ([Course Name]).

The instructor has shared these comments with the student: [Required Comments]

You can expect that the instructor has already employed other strategies to help this student and is asking you to supplement their efforts.

Next steps:

  • Consider this concern in the context of what else you know about this student.
  • Take steps to offer appropriate outreach, support, and referrals to the student.
  • If you interact with the student or if your outreach attempts go unanswered after reasonable attempts, resolve the To-Do and “close the loop” with the instructor.

Instructors want to know their observations and concerns were taken seriously. By letting them know their concerns were acted upon, you reinforce their efforts to identify students who need support.‌


Message to student:

  • To: Student
  • Subject: Talk with your adviser about [Course Section Id]
  • Email Body:

Your instructor, [Raiser Name], recommends you talk with your academic adviser about [Course Section Id] ([Course Name]).

Your instructor has shared these comments: [Required Comments]

An academic adviser can help you think through your academic experiences, skills, and decisions and connect you with appropriate resources.

Next steps:

  • You can find your assigned adviser and their contact information in your [Link to Student’s Success Network: Starfish Success Network].
  • Once you’ve scheduled an advising appointment, you can [Link to Student’s Dashboard: mark this to-do done].

Penn State resources such as office hours, learning supportpersonal supportbasic needs support, and disability services may also be helpful.

Mid-Semester Progress Survey

Completed during weeks 7-10 of the semester. This survey can help students decide whether to stay enrolled in a course. Typically, significant grading opportunities have passed, and students often have fewer opportunities to alter course outcomes even with changed strategies.

(Kudos) Outstanding performance
  • Description: Instructors use for a student whose performance is commendable. A message with comments is sent to the student. Comments are visible to the student and others.
  • Expected action: Student continues to excel
  • From:
  • To: Student
  • Subject: ‌‌Outstanding performance in [Course Section Id]
  • Email Body:

Dear [Student Chosen First Name],

Your instructor, [Raiser Name], recognized your outstanding performance in [Course Section Id] ([Course Name]). Kudos on your significant achievements!

[Your instructor shared these comments: Raise Notes]

(Kudos) Meeting Expectations
  • Description: Instructors may provide positive reinforcement for students who are meeting or exceeding expectations (e.g., good attendance and participation; showing mastery of foundational concepts, etc.). May be coupled with recommendations for further improvement. A message with comments is sent to the student. Comments are visible to the student and others.
  • Expected action: Student continues to meet expectations, or becomes motivated to increase their engagement
  • From:
  • To: Student
  • Subject: Meeting expectations in [Course Section Id]
  • Email Body:

Dear [Student Chosen First Name],

Your instructor, [Raiser Name], indicated your progress is meeting expectations in [Course Section Id] ([Course Name]). Well done!

[Your professor shared these comments: Raise Notes]

Remember that office hours, academic advising [Link to Student’s Success Network], tutoring, and other learning and personal support resources are available to further enhance your experience in the course.

(Flag) In danger of earning less than a C
  • Description: Instructors use when a student is in danger of earning less than a C in the course. Alerts student to need for significant changes if room to improve or to consider dropping the course. Ideally, this flag should be raised as far before the late/drop deadline as possible. A message with comments is sent to the student. Comments are visible to the student and others.
  • Expected action: Student either makes changes or drops course; Assigned Adviser reaches out to student to assist problem-solving and decision-making
  • From:
  • To: Student, CC: Assigned Adviser, select members of Success Network
  • Subject: ‌‌In danger of earning less than a C in [Course Section Id]
  • Email Body:

‌Dear [Student Full Name],

Your instructor, [Raiser Name], has indicated you are in danger of earning less than a C in [Course Section Id] ([Course Name]).

If you are unsure where you stand in the course, the first step is to review the grading policy outlined in the course syllabus along with your earned grades. For clarification on your grade or the changes that could help you improve, talk with your instructor or teaching assistant (TA).

[Your instructor has shared these comments: Raise Notes]

If you are considering dropping this course, please talk with an [Link to Student’s Success Network: academic adviser] about your options as soon as possible.

Penn State resources such as learning supportpersonal supportbasic needs support, and disability services may also be helpful.

CC: Student ([Student Email]), Student’s assigned adviser

(To-Do) Instructor's Recommendation: Participate more consistently
  • Description: Instructors use when a student needs to change their attendance or their engagement with a course or course materials. A message with comments is sent to the student. Comments are visible to the student and others.
  • Expected action: Student makes changes to attendance, use of course materials, etc.
  • From:
  • To: Student
  • Subject: Participate more consistently in [Course Section Id]
  • Email Body:

Dear [Student Chosen First Name],

Your instructor, [Raiser Name], recommends that you come to class or the online course space and engage more consistently in [Course Section Id] ([Course Name]).

Learning to engage effectively in courses takes time and effort but can lead to better understanding and grades. This all starts with “showing up”—whether in class or with course content.

[Your instructor has shared these comments: Raise Notes]

Next steps:

  • If you’re experiencing challenges in this class that make engagement difficult, talk to your instructor or teaching assistant (TA) or follow any guidance they’ve provided.
  • If you’re experiencing challenges in multiple classes, start a conversation with your [Link to Student’s Success Network: academic adviser] on how you can address them.
  • Once you’ve made changes, [Link to Student Dashboard: mark this to-do done] and keep up the effort.

Penn State resources such as personal supportbasic needs support, and disability services may also be helpful.

(To-Do) Instructor's Recommendation: Attend office hours
  • Description: Instructors use when a student should attend office hours with instructor or TA. A message with comments is sent to the student. Comments are visible to the student and others.
  • Expected action: Student uses office hours as instructed in the syllabus
  • From:
  • To: Student
  • Subject: ‌Attend office hours for [Course Section Id]
  • Email Body:

‌Dear [Student Chosen First Name],

Your instructor, [Raiser Name], recommends that you attend office hours for [Course Section Id] ([Course Name]).

Office hours are times of the week that instructors or teaching assistants (TAs) reserve to help students and get to know them better.

[Your instructor has shared these comments: Raise Notes]

Next steps:

  • Check your course syllabus for office hours.
  • Review some tips for using office hours productively.
  • Once you’ve gone to office hours, [Link to Starfish dashboard: mark this to-do done ].
(To-Do) Instructor's Recommendation: Seek tutoring or learning support
  • Description: Instructors use when a student would benefit from tutoring or other learning support resources. If course-based help is available from somewhere other than the campus’s learning center, comments are encouraged. A message with comments is sent to the student.
  • Expected action: Student uses campus or course-related tutoring resources; Campus learning center follows up with students
  • From:
  • To: Student
  • Subject: Seek tutoring or learning support for [Course Section Id]
  • Email Body:

‌Dear [Student Chosen First Name],

Your instructor, [Raiser Name], recommends that you use tutoring or other learning support resources for [Course Section Id] ([Course Name)].

Did you know that students who use campus tutoring improve their exam scores and course grades? Penn State tutoring services are covered by your tuition, so there is no extra charge to you.

[Your instructor has shared these comments: Raise Notes]

Next steps:

  • Visit the webpage for your campus learning center to (1) schedule a tutoring appointment or (2) contact the learning center about other learning support resources if tutoring is not available for this course.
  • Many classes also provide supplemental learning opportunities that you can find in your course syllabus or [Link to Student’s Success Network: Starfish Success Network].
  • Once you’ve started tutoring, [Link to student dashboard: mark this to-do done].

Penn State resources such as office hoursacademic advisingpersonal supportbasic needs support, and disability services may also be helpful.

(To-Do) Instructor's Recommendation: Talk with your adviser
  • Description: Instructors use when a student should talk with their academic adviser about something related to their course. A message with comments is sent to the student and the student’s assigned adviser. Comments are visible to the student and others. COMMENTS REQUIRED
  • Expected action: Student meets with their assigned adviser; Assigned Adviser is available and follows up with students
  • From:

Message to adviser:

  • To: Assigned Adviser, select members of Success Network
  • Subject: ‌[Student Full Name] referred to you by [Raiser Name] to talk about [Course Section Id]
  • Email Body:

‌Dear [Recipient First Name],

[Raiser Name] has asked [Student Full Name] ([Student Id], [Student Email]) to talk with you about [Course Section Id] ([Course Name]).

The instructor has shared these comments with the student: [Required Comments]

You can expect that the instructor has already employed other strategies to help this student and is asking you to supplement their efforts.

Next steps:

  • Consider this concern in the context of what else you know about this student.
  • Take steps to offer appropriate outreach, support, and referrals to the student.
  • If you interact with the student or if your outreach attempts go unanswered after reasonable attempts, resolve the To-Do and “close the loop” with the instructor.

Instructors want to know their observations and concerns were taken seriously. By letting them know their concerns were acted upon, you reinforce their efforts to identify students who need support.‌


Message to student:

  • To: Student
  • Subject: Talk with your adviser about [Course Section Id]
  • Email Body:

Your instructor, [Raiser Name], recommends you talk with your academic adviser about [Course Section Id] ([Course Name]).

Your instructor has shared these comments: [Required Comments]

An academic adviser can help you think through your academic experiences, skills, and decisions and connect you with appropriate resources.

Next steps:

  • You can find your assigned adviser and their contact information in your [Link to Student’s Success Network: Starfish Success Network].
  • Once you’ve scheduled an advising appointment, you can [Link to Student’s Dashboard: mark this to-do done].

Penn State resources such as office hours, learning supportpersonal supportbasic needs support, and disability services may also be helpful.

Progress Surveys for Seven-Week, Dynamic-Dated, and Summer Courses

Completed near the mid-point of the course, currently only for World Campus, Abington campus, and College of Nursing courses.

(Kudos) Outstanding performance
  • Description: Instructors use for a student whose performance is commendable. A message with comments is sent to the student. Comments are visible to the student and others.
  • Expected action: Student continues to excel
  • From:
  • To: Student
  • Subject: ‌‌Outstanding performance in [Course Section Id]
  • Email Body:

Dear [Student Chosen First Name],

Your instructor, [Raiser Name], recognized your outstanding performance in [Course Section Id] ([Course Name]). Kudos on your significant achievements!

[Your instructor shared these comments: Raise Notes]

(Kudos) Meeting Expectations
  • Description: Instructors may provide positive reinforcement for students who are meeting or exceeding expectations (e.g., good attendance and participation; showing mastery of foundational concepts, etc.). May be coupled with recommendations for further improvement. A message with comments is sent to the student. Comments are visible to the student and others.
  • Expected action: Student continues to meet expectations, or becomes motivated to increase their engagement
  • From:
  • To: Student
  • Subject: Meeting expectations[Course Section Id]
  • Email Body:

Dear [Student Chosen First Name],

Your instructor, [Raiser Name], indicated your progress is meeting expectations in [Course Section Id] ([Course Name]). Well done!

[Your professor shared these comments: Raise Notes]

Remember that office hours, academic advising [Link to Student’s Success Network], tutoring, and other learning and personal support resources are available to further enhance your experience in the course.

(Flag) In danger of earning less than a C
  • Description: Instructors use when a student is in danger of earning less than a C in the course. Alerts student to need for significant changes if room to improve or to consider dropping the course. Ideally, this flag should be raised as far before the late/drop deadline as possible. A message with comments is sent to the student. Comments are visible to the student and others.
  • Expected action: Student either makes changes or drops course; Assigned Adviser reaches out to student to assist problem-solving and decision-making
  • From:
  • To: Student, CC: Assigned Adviser, select members of Success Network
  • Subject: ‌‌In danger of earning less than a C in [Course Section Id]
  • Email Body:

‌Dear [Student Full Name],

Your professor, [Raiser Name], has indicated you are in danger of earning less than a C in [Course Section Id] ([Course Name]).

If you are unsure where you stand in the course, the first step is to review the grading policy outlined in the course syllabus along with your earned grades. For clarification on your grade or the changes that could help you improve, talk with your instructor or teaching assistant (TA).

[Your instructor has shared these comments: Raise Notes]

If you are considering dropping this course, please talk with an [Link to Student’s Success Network: academic adviser] about your options as soon as possible.

Penn State resources such as learning supportpersonal supportbasic needs support, and disability services may also be helpful.

CC: Student ([Student Email]), Student’s assigned adviser

(Flag) Attendance or login concern
  • Description: Instructors should raise this flag for concerns about a student’s class attendance (e.g., never attended, not attending regularly, stopped attending, arriving late/leaving early). For online courses, instructors should raise this flag when a student has never accessed the course content or does so only infrequently or for an insufficient amount of time.
  • Expected action: Student makes changes to attendance/logins or addresses persistent challenges with instructor, TA, or adviser; Assigned Adviser reaches out to student to assist
  • From:
  • To: Student, CC: Assigned Adviser, select members of Success Network
  • Subject: ‌‌Attendance or login concern in [Course Section Id]
  • Email Body:

Dear [Student Full Name],

Your professor, [Raiser Name], raised a concern about your attendance or logins for [Course Section Id] ([Course Name]).

[Your instructor has shared these comments: Raise Notes]

If you are experiencing challenges that make regular attendance in this specific class problematic, talk to your instructor or TA.

If you do not intend to complete this course, please talk with an academic adviser [link to the student’s Success Network] about your options as soon as possible.

If you are experiencing attendance challenges in multiple classes, you can find help in addressing the underlying issue. Your academic adviser [Link to Student’s Success Network] is a good place to start that conversation.

Penn State resources such as learning supportpersonal supportbasic needs support, and disability services may also be helpful.

(To-Do) Instructor's Recommendation: Participate more consistently
  • Description: Instructors use when a student needs to change their attendance or their engagement with a course or course materials. A message with comments is sent to the student. Comments are visible to the student and others.
  • Expected action: Student makes changes to attendance, use of course materials, etc.
  • From:
  • To: Student
  • Subject: Participate more consistently in [Course Section Id]
  • Email Body:

Dear [Student Chosen First Name],

Your instructor, [Raiser Name], recommends that you come to class or the online course space and engage more consistently in [Course Section Id] ([Course Name]).

Learning to engage effectively in courses takes time and effort but can lead to better understanding and grades. This all starts with “showing up”—whether in class or with course content.

[Your instructor has shared these comments: Raise Notes]

Next steps:

  • If you’re experiencing challenges in this class that make engagement difficult, talk to your instructor or teaching assistant (TA) or follow any guidance they’ve provided.
  • If you’re experiencing challenges in multiple classes, start a conversation with your [Link to Student’s Success Network: academic adviser] on how you can address them.
  • Once you’ve made changes, [Link to Student Dashboard: mark this to-do done] and keep up the effort.

Penn State resources such as personal supportbasic needs support, and disability services may also be helpful.

(To-Do) Instructor's Recommendation: Attend office hours
  • Description: Instructors use when a student should attend office hours with instructor or TA. A message with comments is sent to the student. Comments are visible to the student and others.
  • Expected action: Student uses office hours as instructed in the syllabus
  • From:
  • To: Student
  • Subject: ‌Attend office hours for [Course Section Id]
  • Email Body:

‌Dear [Student Chosen First Name],

Your instructor, [Raiser Name], recommends that you attend office hours for [Course Section Id] ([Course Name]).

Office hours are times of the week that instructors or teaching assistants (TAs) reserve to help students and get to know them better.

[Your instructor has shared these comments: Raise Notes]

Next steps:

  • Check your course syllabus for office hours.
  • Review some tips for using office hours productively.
  • Once you’ve gone to office hours, [Link to Starfish dashboard: mark this to-do done ].
(To-Do) Instructor's Recommendation: Seek tutoring or learning support
  • Description: Instructors use when a student would benefit from tutoring or other learning support resources. If course-based help is available from somewhere other than the campus’s learning center, comments are encouraged. A message with comments is sent to the student.
  • Expected action: Student uses campus or course-related tutoring resources; Campus learning center follows up with students
  • From:
  • To: Student
  • Subject: Seek tutoring or learning support for [Course Section Id]
  • Email Body:

‌Dear [Student Chosen First Name],

Your instructor, [Raiser Name], recommends that you use tutoring or other learning support resources for [Course Section Id] ([Course Name)].

Did you know that students who use campus tutoring improve their exam scores and course grades? Penn State tutoring services are covered by your tuition, so there is no extra charge to you.

[Your instructor has shared these comments: Raise Notes]

Next steps:

  • Visit the webpage for your campus learning center to (1) schedule a tutoring appointment or (2) contact the learning center about other learning support resources if tutoring is not available for this course.
  • Many classes also provide supplemental learning opportunities that you can find in your course syllabus or [Link to Student’s Success Network: Starfish Success Network].
  • Once you’ve started tutoring, [Link to student dashboard: mark this to-do done].

Penn State resources such as office hoursacademic advisingpersonal supportbasic needs support, and disability services may also be helpful.

(To-Do) Instructor's Recommendation: Talk with your adviser
  • Description: Instructors use when a student should talk with their academic adviser about something related to their course. A message with comments is sent to the student and the student’s assigned adviser. Comments are visible to the student and others. COMMENTS REQUIRED
  • Expected action: Student meets with their assigned adviser; Assigned Adviser is available and follows up with students
  • From:

Message to adviser:

  • To: Assigned Adviser, select members of Success Network
  • Subject: ‌[Student Full Name] referred to you by [Raiser Name] to talk about [Course Section Id]
  • Email Body:

‌Dear [Recipient First Name],

[Raiser Name] has asked [Student Full Name] ([Student Id], [Student Email]) to talk with you about [Course Section Id] ([Course Name]).

The instructor has shared these comments with the student: [Required Comments]

You can expect that the instructor has already employed other strategies to help this student and is asking you to supplement their efforts.

Next steps:

  • Consider this concern in the context of what else you know about this student.
  • Take steps to offer appropriate outreach, support, and referrals to the student.
  • If you interact with the student or if your outreach attempts go unanswered after reasonable attempts, resolve the To-Do and “close the loop” with the instructor.

Instructors want to know their observations and concerns were taken seriously. By letting them know their concerns were acted upon, you reinforce their efforts to identify students who need support.‌


Message to student:

  • To: Student
  • Subject: Talk with your adviser about [Course Section Id]
  • Email Body:

Your instructor, [Raiser Name], recommends you talk with your academic adviser about [Course Section Id] ([Course Name]).

Your instructor has shared these comments: [Required Comments]

An academic adviser can help you think through your academic experiences, skills, and decisions and connect you with appropriate resources.

Next steps:

  • You can find your assigned adviser and their contact information in your [Link to Student’s Success Network: Starfish Success Network].
  • Once you’ve scheduled an advising appointment, you can [Link to Student’s Dashboard: mark this to-do done].

Penn State resources such as office hours, learning supportpersonal supportbasic needs support, and disability services may also be helpful.

Manually Raised Tracking Items

These tracking items are not part of progress surveys but can be raised manually. All of the above progress survey tracking items can also be raised manually.

(Kudos) I noticed something good
  • Description: Instructors use to commend something noteworthy (e.g., a struggling student improves; a strong student helps another to improve) outside of progress surveys. A message with comments is sent to the student. Comments are visible to the student and others. COMMENTS REQUIRED
  • Expected action: Student continues to exhibit positive behaviors
  • From:
  • To: Student
  • Subject: ‌‌I noticed something good in [Course Section id]
  • Email Body:

Dear [Student Chosen First Name],

Your instructor, [Raiser Name], would like you to know they’ve noticed something good in [Course Section Id] ([Course Name]). Well done!

[Your professor shared these comments: Raise Notes]

(Flag) To adviser only: Instructor needs additional help with this student
  • Description: Instructors use this when they need additional help in addressing a student’s academic needs, beyond progress surveys. A message is sent ONLY to the student’s assigned adviser. COMMENTS REQUIRED. Care should be taken to convey concern without exposing information a student may wish to keep private or that should not be included in an educational record. See documentation guidelines for recommendations.
  • Expected action: Assigned Adviser uses professional judgement in reaching out to the student or others as appropriate
  • From:
  • To: Assigned Adviser, visible to select members of the student’s Success Network
    • IMPORTANT: Students are not messaged via this flag and do not see the flag in their Starfish dashboard.
  • Subject: ‌‌Instructor needs your help with [Student Full Name] in [Course Section Id]
  • Email Body:

‌Dear [Recipient First Name],

[Raiser Name] has asked for your help addressing concerns they have for [Student Full Name] ([Student Id], [Student Email]) in [Course Section Id] ([Course Name]).

This flag has been shared with the assigned adviser only and is not visible to the student.

The instructor has shared these comments with you: [Required Comments]

You can expect that the instructor has already employed other strategies to address this issue and is asking for your help to supplement their efforts.

Next steps:

  • Consider this concern in the context of what else you know about this student.
  • Take steps to offer appropriate outreach, support, and referrals to the student.
  • If you interact with the student or if your outreach attempts go unanswered after reasonable attempts, clear the flag and “close the loop” with the instructor.

Instructors want to know their observations and concerns were taken seriously. By letting them know their concerns were acted upon, you reinforce their efforts to identify students who need support.‌

Messages from Closing the Loop

These are the messages instructors and students may receive when someone else comments on or resolves a course-based flag or to-do that the instructor raised. “Closing the loop” with the instructor on the outcomes of interactions prompted by the tracking item is a best practice when another user is managing an instructor-raised concern.

Important Notes on Closing the Loop
  • Resolving a flag does not mean the overall issue has been resolved but rather that the flag did its job of getting the student’s (and adviser’s) attention. Flags are retained in the Starfish student folder as “resolved” even after they have been closed.
  • A flag may be resolved for one of several reasons: “The concern was addressed with the student,” “
  • Similarly, not all to-dos assigned to a student will be completed or completed in the way hoped. Nevertheless, when a to-do is resolved by someone, that means there was attempt to meet the expectation.
  • While closing the loop and sending additional comments is a best practice, it is not something that all people will do for a variety of reasons. Please don’t be discouraged if you do not receive a message about the outcomes of a flag or to-do you raised or if the message you receive does not include additional comments. Someone may have addressed the flag behind the scenes, or they may be unable to share private student information.
Comments on an instructor-raised flag or to-do
  • Description: Instructors and students may receive these messages when a provider, such as an academic adviser, has chosen to share a comment recorded in the student folder while managing the flag.
  • From:

Message to instructor:

  • To: Instructor
  • Subject: ‌‌Message from [Flag Commenter Full Name] – [Comment Subject]
  • Email Body:

This is your copy of the note added for [Student Full Name]

[Comment Notes]

Message to student:

  • To: Student
  • Subject: Message from [Flag Commenter Full Name] – [Comment Subject]
  • Email Body:

The following note has been added to your folder by [Flag Commenter Full Name]:

[Comment Notes]

To follow up on this note, please contact [Flag Commenter Full Name] at [Flag Commenter Email Address].

Resolving an instructor-raised flag or to-do ("Closing the Loop")
  • Description: Instructors may receive this message when another user has resolved a flag or to-do they raised.
  • From:
  • To: Instructor
  • Subject: ‌‌The [Tracking item Name] item you created for [Student Full Name] has been closed
  • Email Body:

Dear [Flag Raiser Name],

The [Tracking Item Name] item which you created for [Student Full Name] on [Raised Date] drew attention from [Resolver Full Name], who attempted to help the student with the concern.

[Resolver Full Name] included this message to you: 

[Comments, if any]

Messages from Adviser-Raised Tracking Items

Overview of Adviser-Raised Tracking Items

Academic advisers in the Assigned Adviser, General Adviser, and Advising Specialist roles can raise tracking items (the generic name for flags, kudos, referrals, and to-dos) for students. Adviser-raised tracking items relate to a student’s overall academic progress. These tracking items are recorded in the student folder and generate an email to the student.

Note: When adding additional comments, you do not need to include a salutation or signature because Starfish will add those automatically.


Concern about your CGPA
  • Description: Advisers can use this flag when a student’s CGPA is a concern. This might be used for students who are in danger of entering Academic Warning or whose CGPA is not on target for their intended majors.
    • Note: If a deadline is set, an automatic reminder will be sent to the Student, Assigned Adviser, and select members of the student’s Success Network if the deadline is past due.
  • Raised By: Assigned Adviser, General Adviser
  • From:
  • To: Student, CC: select members of Success Network
  • Subject: ‌Concern about your CGPA
  • Email Body:

‌Dear [Student Full Name],

I am concerned that your cumulative grade point average may prevent you from reaching your academic goals. Please reach out to an academic adviser as soon as possible to discuss additional information or resources to consider.

[Raise Notes]
[Due Date]

[Raiser Name]

Concern from your adviser
  • Description: Advisers can use this flag as a catchall flag for situations needing to be tracked, but where other flags don’t fit. Comments are required.
    • Note: If a deadline is set, an automatic reminder will be sent to the Student, Assigned Adviser, and select members of the student’s Success Network if the deadline is past due.
  • Raised By: Assigned Adviser, General Adviser, select members of Success Network
  • From:
  • To: Student, CC: select members of Success Network
  • Subject: ‌Concern from your adviser
  • Email Body:

‌Dear [Student Full Name],

[REQUIRED Raise Notes]
[Due Date]

[Raiser Name]

Entrance to major issue, see adviser
  • Description: Advisers should raise this flag if a student is not on track to meet entrance to major requirements for one or more of their intended/target majors.
    • Note: If a deadline is set, an automatic reminder will be sent to the Student, Assigned Adviser, and select members of the student’s Success Network if the deadline is past due.
  • Raised By: Assigned Adviser, General Adviser, select members of Success Network
  • From:
  • To: Student, CC: select members of Success Network
  • Subject: ‌Entrance to major issue, see adviser
  • Email Body:

‌‌Dear [Student Full Name],

I have a concern regarding Entrance to Major requirements for your desired major. Please talk to me as soon as possible to discuss your options.

[Raise Notes]
[Due Date]

[Raiser Name]

Missing a graduation requirement, see adviser immediately
  • Description: Advisers may raise this flag when a student is missing one or more graduation requirements.
    • Note: If a deadline is set, an automatic reminder will be sent to the Student, Assigned Adviser, and select members of the student’s Success Network if the deadline is past due.
  • Raised By: Assigned Adviser, General Adviser, select members of Success Network
  • From:
  • To: Student, CC: select members of Success Network
  • Subject: ‌Missing a graduation requirement, see adviser immediately
  • Email Body:

‌‌‌Dear [Student Full Name],

You are missing one or more graduation requirements. Please talk to me as soon as possible to discuss appropriate adjustments to your schedule.

[Raise Notes]
[Due Date]

[Raiser Name]

No courses currently scheduled for next semester
  • Description: Advisers can raise this flag when a student is expected to return but has not scheduled courses for the upcoming semester.
    • Note: If a deadline is set, an automatic reminder will be sent to the Student, Assigned Adviser, and select members of the student’s Success Network if the deadline is past due.
  • Raised By: Assigned Adviser, General Adviser
  • From:
  • To: Student, CC: select members of Success Network
  • Subject: ‌No courses currently scheduled for next semester
  • Email Body:

‌Dear [Student Full Name],

I see that you haven’t scheduled courses for the upcoming semester. Please contact me as soon as possible to discuss your academic plans.

[Raise Notes]

[Due Date]

[Raiser Name]

Scheduled courses are questionable or inappropriate
  • Description: Advisers should raise this flag when a student’s schedule needs to be adjusted. Comments are required, and should indicate to the student what is wrong with their schedule and how to resolve it.
    • Note: If a deadline is set, an automatic reminder will be sent to the Student, Assigned Adviser, and select members of the student’s Success Network if the deadline is past due.
  • Raised By: Assigned Adviser, General Adviser
  • From:
  • To: Student, CC: select members of Success Network
  • Subject: ‌Scheduled courses are questionable or inappropriate
  • Email Body:

‌Dear [Student Full Name],

After reviewing your schedule for the upcoming semester, I have some concerns.

[REQUIRED Raise Notes]
[Due Date]

[Raiser Name]‌

Unable to attend in-person instruction
  • Description: A visa, travel, or health-related restriction prevents the student from being on-campus for residential instruction in spring 2022.
  • Raised By: Academic Leadership, Assigned Adviser, General Adviser, DISSA Adviser, GRAD program roles, Registrar Office, Student
    • Students are able to raise this flag on themselves by using the “Raise Your Hand” functionality in Starfish.
  • From:

Message to student:

  • To: Student
  • Subject: ‌‌Your next steps: Unable to attend in-person instruction‌
  • Email Body:

Dear [Student Full Name],

The raise your hand process is intended for undergraduate and graduate students. If you are a law student or medical student, please reach out directly to your program for assistance. If you are a current undergraduate student, please reach out to an adviser at your college/campus: If you are a current graduate student, please reach out to your graduate program:

Message to adviser:

  • To: Assigned Adviser, GRAD Doctoral Adv/Chair, select members of Success Network
  • Subject: ‌‌Your next steps: Student unable to attend in-person‌
  • Email Body:

Dear [Recipient First Name],

A student you advise has indicated they are not able to return to in-person instruction for the spring 2022 semester. This student has been instructed to meet with you for help in determining the best course of action for spring 2022. Graduate students may choose to meet with their graduate program instead.

Student Name: [Student Full Name]
Student ID: [Student Id]
Student Email: [Student Email]

The student received an email with general instructions and options. See copies of the messages sent to students here: Raise your hand emails to students

The Plans to Support Students Who Cannot Be On Campus in Fall 2021 webinar has additional information you may need.

Your next steps:

  1. Make yourself available to meet with the student to discuss options.
  2. Add the courses the student needs in spring 2022 to this form. This information will be used to explore expanded course offerings.
  3. After meeting with the student, you are encouraged to add a note to the student’s Starfish folder summarizing your recommendations so others know how the issue has been addressed.

If this student is already enrolled at the World Campus, they may be facing challenges in continuing their online coursework and need to consider options such as taking a leave of absence.

Students have been instructed to monitor the and websites for the latest information.

Thank you.

Message to GRAD program leader: 

  • To: GRAD Program Coordinator, GRAD Program Leadership, GRAD Program Staff
  • Subject: ‌‌Student unable to attend in-person‌
  • Email Body:

‌Dear [Recipient First Name],

A student in your graduate program has indicated they are not able to return to in-person instruction for the spring 2022 semester. This student has been instructed to meet with their graduate program or their adviser for help in determining the best course of action for spring 2022.

Student Name: [Student Full Name]
Student ID: [Student Id]
Student Email: [Student Email]

The student received an email with general instructions and options. See copies of the messages sent to students here: Raise your hand emails to students

The Plans to Support Students Who Cannot Be On Campus in Fall 2021 webinar has additional information you may need.

Your next steps:

  1. Make yourself available to meet with the student to discuss options.
  2. Add the courses the student needs in spring 2022 to this form. This information will be used to explore expanded course offerings.
  3. After meeting with the student, you are encouraged to add a note to the student’s Starfish folder summarizing your recommendations so others know how the issue has been addressed.

If this student is already enrolled at the World Campus, they may be facing challenges in continuing their online coursework and need to consider options such as taking a leave of absence.

Students have been instructed to monitor the and websites for the latest information.

Thank you.


Able to attend in-person instruction at Penn State
  • Description: Student was previously unable to attend in-person and is now planning to attend resident instruction courses at Penn State. Only raiseable for students who have the RYH service indicator applied in LionPATH (students who raised the flag, “Unable to attend in-person instruction”).
  • Raised By: Assigned Adviser, General Adviser, select other roles
  • No email message is associated with this kudo.
Current GPA is on target for intended goals
  • Description: Advisers may use this kudo to give positive reinforcement to students who are earning grades that keep their intended goals in sight.
  • Raised By: Assigned Adviser, General Adviser
  • From:
  • To: Student, select members of Success Network
  • Subject: Current GPA is on target for intended goals
  • Email Body:

‌Dear [Student First Name],

After reviewing your academic progress, I wanted to note that your current GPA is on target for your intended goals.

[Raise Notes]

[Raiser Name]

Current schedule is appropriate for intended goals
  • Description: Advisers may use this kudo to give positive feedback to students whose schedules are appropriate for their goals.
  • Raised By: Assigned Adviser, General Adviser
  • From:
  • To: Student, select members of Success Network
  • Subject: Current schedule is appropriate for intended goals
  • Email Body:

‌Dear [Student First Name],

After reviewing your registration for the upcoming semester, I wanted to note that your current schedule is appropriate for your intended goals.

[Raise Notes]

[Raiser Name]

Great job last semester
  • Description: Advisers may use this kudo to give positive reinforcement to students whose overall academic performance was excellent during the past semester.
  • Raised By: Assigned Adviser, General Adviser
  • From:
  • To: Student, select members of Success Network
  • Subject: Great job last semester
  • Email Body:

‌Dear [Student First Name],

Great job last semester. Keep up the good work!

[Raise Notes]

[Raiser Name]


A resource you might find helpful
  • Description: Advisers should use this to refer students to another office or resource. Comments are required.
    • Note: If a deadline is set, an automatic reminder will be sent to the Student, Assigned Adviser, and select members of the student’s Success Network if the deadline is past due.
  • Raised By: Assigned Adviser, General Adviser
  • From:
  • To: Student, select members of Success Network
  • Subject: A resource you might find helpful
  • Email Body:

‌‌Dear [Student Full Name],

[REQUIRED Add Notes]
[Due Date]

[Creator Name]

Meet with me early this semester
  • Description: Advisers may use this referral to remind a student to schedule an advising appointment.
    • Note: If a deadline is set, an automatic reminder will be sent to the Student, Assigned Adviser, and select members of the student’s Success Network if the deadline is past due.
  • Raised By: Assigned Adviser, General Adviser
  • From:
  • To: Student, select members of Success Network
  • Subject: Meet with me early this semester
  • Email Body:

‌Dear [Student Full Name],

Please schedule an advising appointment with me for early in the semester.
[Add Notes]
[Due Date]

[Creator Name]

Recommend you declare your major/move into intended college
  • Description: Use this referral to encourage students to move into a more appropriate enrollment unit or into their major. May be used in conjunction with referral to see an adviser.
    • Note: If a deadline is set, an automatic reminder will be sent to the Student, Assigned Adviser, and select members of the student’s Success Network if the deadline is past due.
  • Raised By: Assigned Adviser, General Adviser
  • From:
  • To: Student, select members of Success Network
  • Subject: Recommend you declare your major/move into intended college
  • Email Body:

‌Dear [Student Full Name],

You can use LionPATH’s Update Academics to request entry to your desired program. For information on using Update Academics, go to

[Add Notes]
[Due Date]

[Creator Name]

Referral to University Fellowships Office
  • Description: Starfish users should use this to refer a student to the University Fellowships Office.
  • Raised By: Assigned Adviser, General Adviser, Fellowships Adviser
  • From:

Message to student:

  • To: Student
  • Subject: Referral to University Fellowships Office appointment preparation
  • Email Body:

‌Hello [Recipient First Name],

This email confirms you have scheduled the following appointment:

[Meeting Details]

You are expected to complete this planning worksheet administered via Qualtrics ( if you are scheduling your first appointment for the semester.

This worksheet is due 48 hours before your scheduled appointment. If it is missing, your appointment will be canceled.

To change your appointment, please go to Starfish.

Message to provider: 

  • To: Fellowships Adviser
  • Subject: [Student Full Name], Referral to University Fellowships Office.
  • Email Body:

‌Hello [Recipient First Name],

This email confirms you have scheduled the following appointment:

[Meeting Details]

You are expected to complete this planning worksheet administered via Qualtrics ( if you are scheduling your first appointment for the semester.

This worksheet is due 48 hours before your scheduled appointment. If it is missing, your appointment will be canceled.

To change your appointment, please go to Starfish.‌

See an adviser immediately
  • Description: Advisers may use this to refer a student to an academic adviser. Comments are required.
    • Note: If a deadline is set, an automatic reminder will be sent to the Student, Assigned Adviser, and select members of the student’s Success Network if the deadline is past due.
  • Raised By: Assigned Adviser, General Adviser
  • From:
  • To: Student, select members of Success Network
  • Subject: See an adviser immediately
  • Email Body:

‌Dear [Student Full Name],

[Add Notes]
[Due Date]

[Creator Name]


Apply for graduation
  • Description: Use this to-do when students need to apply for graduation in LionPATH, with separate to-dos for the fall, spring, and summer terms.
  • Raised By: Assigned Adviser, Advising Specialist, Registrar Office, Temporary Academic Adviser, WC General Adviser, WC Student Services Assistant
  • From:
  • To: Student
  • Subject: Apply for Graduation for [Semester]
  • Email Body:

Dear [Student First Name],

Congratulations! Based on your academic record, it looks like you will be entering your last semester at Penn State in the [semester].

Starting [Intent to Graduate Opens Date], you will be able to apply for graduation in LionPATH. This alerts your academic college that you are ready to graduate. This must be done before the deadline of [Intent to Graduate Closes Date].  

How do I apply? In LionPATH, navigate to ‘Degree Planning and Progress’ and then ‘Apply for Graduation.’ This can be done at any time during the intent to graduate activation period. (For step-by-step instructions, please see this webpage on declaring your intent to graduate.)

[University Park: To learn more about commencement, please visit the Penn State Commencement webpage.]

[Commonwealth Campuses: To learn more about commencement, please visit our campus commencement webpage.]

[World Campus: World Campus Students: Once you have applied for graduation, please contact your Assigned Adviser if you plan on attending graduation in person at one of our campuses. They will help you with further instructions on any forms that might need to be completed.

To learn more about commencement, please visit the World Campus Graduating Students webpage.]

We Are!
[Adviser Full Name]

Declare your major
  • Description: Use this to-do when students need to use Update Academics declare their major in LionPATH.
  • Raised By: Assigned Adviser, General Adviser
  • Raised On: Students in UGRD career only
  • From: Creator Name
  • To: Student
  • Subject: Declare Your Major
  • Email Body:

Dear [Student First Name],

Congratulations! You are now eligible to use LionPATH’s Update Academics to request entry to your desired major/plan. 

[Penn State Altoona: What to keep in mind:

  • You have completed your entrance-to-major requirements and should now declare your major so that you are able to schedule any controlled coursework.
  • Declaring your major is an important step for you to continue to make degree progress and get support within your chosen major.
  • Tuition is linked to the total credits you have taken, and students under 59.1 total credits will not see a tuition increase when declaring their major. You can check the tuition calculator to verify what your tuition rate will be after declaring.
  • If you are pursuing a 2+2 major, declaring your major in Update Academics is the first step in the change-of-campus process.
  • You will be assigned a new academic adviser in LionPATH and Starfish. If a new adviser is not assigned, please contact]

[Penn State World Campus: What to keep in mind:

  • You have completed your entrance-to-major requirements and should now declare your major so that you are able to schedule any controlled coursework.
  • Declaring your major is an important step for you to continue to make degree progress and get support within your chosen major.
  • Tuition is linked to the total credits you have taken, and students under 59.1 total credits will not see a tuition increase when declaring their major. You can check the tuition calculator to verify what your tuition rate will be after declaring.
  • You will be assigned a new academic adviser in LionPATH and Starfish. If a new adviser is not assigned, please contact]

[College of the Liberal Arts: What to keep in mind:

  • You have completed your entrance-to-major requirements and should now declare your major so that you are able to schedule any controlled coursework.
  • Declaring your major is an important step for you to continue to make degree progress and get support within your chosen major.
  • Tuition is linked to the total credits you have taken, and most Liberal Arts students will not see a tuition increase when declaring their major. You can check the tuition calculator to verify what your tuition rate will be after declaring.
  • If you have changed into the College of the Liberal Arts, you will be assigned a new academic adviser in LionPATH and Starfish. After a week, if a new adviser has not yet been assigned, please contact]

[Division of Undergraduate Studies, University Park: What to keep in mind:

  • You have completed your entrance-to-major requirements and should now declare your major so that you are able to schedule any controlled coursework. 
  • Declaring your major is an important step for you to continue to make degree progress, qualify for research and scholarship opportunities, and receive support within your academic area.
  • You are required to declare your major before the DUS Max Time semester, listed under your LionPATH milestones. If you are a DUS conditional student, you are limited to 36 credits in conditional status at which point you must seek enrollment in a degree program to continue.
  • Tuition is linked to the total credits you have taken, and students under 59.1 total credits will not see a tuition increase when declaring their major or college. You can check the tuition calculator to verify what your tuition rate will be after declaring.
  • You will be assigned a new academic adviser in LionPATH and Starfish. If a new adviser is not assigned, please contact your new advising center.]

[Other Colleges/Campuses: What to keep in mind:

  • You have completed your entrance-to-major requirements and should now declare your major so that you are able to schedule any controlled coursework.
  • Declaring your major is an important step for you to continue to make degree progress and get support within your chosen major.
  • Tuition is linked to the total credits you have taken, and students under 59.1 total credits will not see a tuition increase when declaring their major. You can check the tuition calculator to verify what your tuition rate will be after declaring.
  • You will be assigned a new academic adviser in LionPATH and Starfish. If a new adviser is not assigned, please contact your new advising center.
  • If you are pursuing a 2+2 major, declaring your major in Update Academics is the first step in the change-of-campus process.]

Please note: [Notes from Comment field, if included]. You must request entry to your desired program by [4/30/2014 12:00 PM EDT, if deadline included].

For information on using Update Academics, go to the LionPATH tutorial.

[Creator Full Name]

Declare your major (Past Due)
  • From: Creator Name
  • To: Student
  • Subject: Past Due: Declare Your Major
  • Email Body:

Dear [Student First Name],

You are eligible to request entry into your desired major/plan and should use LionPATH’s Update Academics to take action. 

[Penn State Altoona: What to keep in mind:

  • You have completed your entrance-to-major requirements and should now declare your major so that you are able to schedule any controlled coursework.
  • Declaring your major is an important step for you to continue to make degree progress and get support within your chosen major.
  • Tuition is linked to the total credits you have taken, and students under 59.1 total credits will not see a tuition increase when declaring their major. You can check the tuition calculator to verify what your tuition rate will be after declaring.
  • If you are pursuing a 2+2 major, declaring your major in Update Academics is the first step in the change-of-campus process.
  • You will be assigned a new academic adviser in LionPATH and Starfish. If a new adviser is not assigned, please contact]

[Penn State World Campus: What to keep in mind:

  • You have completed your entrance-to-major requirements and should now declare your major so that you are able to schedule any controlled coursework.
  • Declaring your major is an important step for you to continue to make degree progress and get support within your chosen major.
  • Tuition is linked to the total credits you have taken, and students under 59.1 total credits will not see a tuition increase when declaring their major. You can check the tuition calculator to verify what your tuition rate will be after declaring.
  • You will be assigned a new academic adviser in LionPATH and Starfish. If a new adviser is not assigned, please contact]

[College of the Liberal Arts: What to keep in mind:

  • You have completed your entrance-to-major requirements and should now declare your major so that you are able to schedule any controlled coursework.
  • Declaring your major is an important step for you to continue to make degree progress and get support within your chosen major.
  • Tuition is linked to the total credits you have taken, and most Liberal Arts students will not see a tuition increase when declaring their major. You can check the tuition calculator to verify what your tuition rate will be after declaring.
  • If you have changed into the College of the Liberal Arts, you will be assigned a new academic adviser in LionPATH and Starfish. After a week, if a new adviser has not yet been assigned, please contact]

[Division of Undergraduate Studies, University Park: What to keep in mind:

  • You have completed your entrance-to-major requirements and should now declare your major so that you are able to schedule any controlled coursework. 
  • Declaring your major is an important step for you to continue to make degree progress, qualify for research and scholarship opportunities, and receive support within your academic area.
  • You are required to declare your major before the DUS Max Time semester, listed under your LionPATH milestones. If you are a DUS conditional student, you are limited to 36 credits in conditional status at which point you must seek enrollment in a degree program to continue.
  • Tuition is linked to the total credits you have taken, and students under 59.1 total credits will not see a tuition increase when declaring their major or college. You can check the tuition calculator to verify what your tuition rate will be after declaring.
  • You will be assigned a new academic adviser in LionPATH and Starfish. If a new adviser is not assigned, please contact your new advising center.]

[Other Colleges/Campuses: What to keep in mind:

  • You have completed your entrance-to-major requirements and should now declare your major so that you are able to schedule any controlled coursework.
  • Declaring your major is an important step for you to continue to make degree progress and get support within your chosen major.
  • Tuition is linked to the total credits you have taken, and students under 59.1 total credits will not see a tuition increase when declaring their major. You can check the tuition calculator to verify what your tuition rate will be after declaring.
  • You will be assigned a new academic adviser in LionPATH and Starfish. If a new adviser is not assigned, please contact your new advising center.
  • If you are pursuing a 2+2 major, declaring your major in Update Academics is the first step in the change-of-campus process.]

Please note: [Notes from Comment field, if included]. You must request entry to your desired program by [4/30/2014 12:00 PM EDT, if deadline included].

For information on using Update Academics, go to the LionPATH tutorial.

[Creator Full Name]

Messages from Success Plans

Academic Improvement Planning

Overview of Academic Improvement Success Plans
  • Description: Students in academic warning develop a plan for academic improvement and review the plan with an academic adviser.
    • Note: Availability is currently limited to Penn State Altoona, Penn State Brandywine, Penn State Harrisburg, and Penn State University Park (DUS, Liberal Arts, and Eberly College of Sciences).
  • Plan Types: (1) Academic Improvement Planning with Advising Specialist and (2) Academic Improvement Planning with Assigned Adviser—depending on local workflows. Assigned Advisers (but not Advising Specialists) receive reminders to discuss academic improvement plans with the student and to raise kudos clearing the student for the removal of the LionPATH Academic Warning Hold once they have discussed the plan with the student.
  • Raised By: Centrally for each campus/college
Campus- or College-Specific Academic Improvement Plan
  • Description: Each participating college or campus has a custom Academic Improvement Plan that is inserted into student-facing messaging.

Penn State Altoona

Step 2) Schedule a meeting with your academic adviser within two weeks of the due date above to review your action plan.

Penn State Brandywine

  1. If you’re currently enrolled in courses, add the Academic Coaching course (EDPSY 297) to your current schedule. Historically, students who enroll and commit to attending weekly coaching sessions earn a semester GPA of higher than 2.5 and increase their overall GPA by close to 25%. Attending weekly sessions is crucial to improving overall GPA and getting off warning.
  2. If you receive financial aid, review the Satisfactory Academic Progress communication in your LionPATH account and contact our Brandywine Financial Aid Office for help.
  3. Complete and download your Academic Action Plan.

Step 2: Schedule a meeting with a member of our Academic Improvement Team to review your plan within a week of the due date above. This is an academic adviser who specializes in helping students get on track and who is here to help, not judge.

Penn State Harrisburg

Step 2) Schedule a meeting to review your plan within a week of the due date above.

  • If you have any difficulties completing the plan or scheduling with your adviser, please reach out to

Penn State University Park

Division of Undergraduate Studies (DUS)

Step 2) Schedule a meeting with your academic adviser within a week of the due date above. In this meeting, you will collaborate to develop an academic action plan.

Liberal Arts

Step 2) Schedule a meeting with the Advising Specialist to review your plan within a week of the due date above.

Eberly College of Sciences

Step 2) Schedule a meeting to review your plan within a week of the due date above.

(To-Do 1 Added) Academic Warning: Start your action plan
  • From:
  • To: Student
  • Subject: ‌Start Here: Academic Improvement Plan (Step 1: Due [Due Date])
  • Email Body:

D‌ear [Student First Name],

We believe you can be successful and are reaching out to ask that you work with us to get your academic progress back on track.

While in Academic Warning status, you are required to partner with an academic adviser and work together on building a plan that will support your overall academic success.

To ensure you are making strategic changes for improvement, a hold on your account will prevent you from registering for classes in future semesters until you take the following steps.

Step 1) Start your action plan. The first step is due: [Due Date]

[Campus- or college-specific academic improvement plan]

Let’s move forward together.

    (To-Do 2 Added) Academic Warning: Review academic improvement plan with your adviser
    • From:
    • To: Assigned Adviser (not Advising Specialist)
    • Subject: ACTION NEEDED: Academic improvement planning with [Student Full Name]
    • Email Body:

    ‌Dear [Recipient First Name],

    Your advisee, [Student Full Name] ([Student Id], [Student Email]), is in Academic Warning and has been instructed to review their academic improvement action plan with you by [Due Date].

    Impact: A registration hold will prevent the student’s enrollment in future semesters until you authorize the hold’s release (see below). The hold does not impact academic actions in the current semester. We want the student to make appropriate changes now but to prevent them from continuing until they’ve reflected on strategic changes for improvement.

    Your action needed:

    • Please make space for this student to meet with you.
    • During your meeting, review the student’s action plan, help them set goals, and identify ways that you and others can help support the student to meet their goals.
    • After meeting, summarize the student’s plan in Starfish meeting notes.
    • After meeting, resolve the To-Dos:
      • Academic Warning: Start your action plan and
      • Academic Warning: Review plan with your Assigned Adviser
    • Once the student creates and reviews a plan with you, the Academic Warning hold can be released if appropriate for the student’s progress.
      • To release the hold, please raise the Kudos, Academic Warning Hold can be removed, which will alert your student’s records manager.

    Please encourage [Student First Name] to take this opportunity to partner with you in reflecting on the challenges they faced in the past and developing a plan for future success.

    Helpful resources:

    (To-Do 1 Past Due) Academic Warning: Start your action plan
    • From:
    • To: Student
    • Subject: ‌‌PAST DUE: Academic Improvement Plan (Step 1: Due [Due Date])
    • Email Body:

    D‌ear [Student First Name],

    Reminder: You need to start creating an academic action plan for moving out of Academic Warning status and review it with an academic adviser in order to register for courses next semester.

    If you’ve already started your plan, that’s great! Make sure you’ve scheduled your advising meeting.

    As a reminder, instructions for taking these steps are below:

    Step 1: Start your action plan. This first step is due: [Due Date]

    [Campus- or college-specific academic improvement plan]

    If you’ve already scheduled your meeting, that’s great! Be sure to keep the appointment!‌

    (To-Do 2 Past Due) Academic Warning: Review academic improvement plan with your adviser
    • From:
    • To: Student
    • Subject: ‌”PAST DUE: Academic improvement planning meeting with your adviser” (Academic Improvement Planning with Assigned Adviser), “PAST DUE: Meet with advising specialist to discuss academic improvement plan” (Academic Improvement Planning with Advising Specialist)
    • Email Body:

    ‌Dear ‌[Student First Name],

    A key step in getting back on track and out of Academic Warning status is refining your action plan in collaboration with [“an academic adviser” | “an advising specialist”]. [Advising Specialist: “This is an academic adviser who specializes in helping students get on track and who is here to help, not judge.”]

    If you have not scheduled a meeting yet, schedule your appointment now [link to Starfish Success Network or to scheduling service, depending on college/campus]!

    You will not be able to register for classes next semester if you do not make an action plan and talk with your [“adviser” | “advising specialist“] about it. This is an important opportunity for you to reflect on the challenges you’ve faced in the past and develop a plan for future success.‌


    • From:
    • To: Assigned Adviser (not Advising Specialist)
    • Subject: ‌PAST DUE: Meet with [Student Full Name] for academic improvement planning
    • Email Body:

    D‌‌ear [Recipient First Name],

    Your advisee, [Student Full Name] ([Student Id], [Student Email]), was instructed to review and refine their academic improvement plan with you by [Due Date].

    [Student First Name] will not be able to register for classes for the upcoming semester if you do not indicate they’ve met with you and that their registration hold should be released.

    If you have already met with [Student First Name] please resolve the Starfish To Dos: Academic Warning: Start your action plan and Academic Warning: Review plan with your Assigned Adviser. Please also raise the Kudos: Academic Warning Hold Can Be Removed if it is appropriate for the student to be able to schedule courses for the upcoming semester.

    If you have not met with [Student First Name] please reach out to encourage them to take this opportunity to partner with you in reflecting on the challenges they faced in the past and developing a plan for future success.

    Helpful resources:

      (Kudos) Academic Warning Hold can be removed
      • From:
      • To: Student
      • Subject: ‌Your academic improvement planning is underway!‌
      • Email Body:

      D‌‌‌ear [Student First Name],

      Congratulations on taking charge of your academic recovery. You’ve taken important steps forward by reflecting on your challenges, making a plan, and partnering with an adviser.

      A records manager has been notified that your Academic Warning hold can be removed.

      Please keep working with your adviser to carry out your plan!



      • From:
      • To: Records Manager
      • Subject: ‌‌RAW hold can be removed‌
      • Email Body:

      ‌The Academic Warning hold can be released for the student below:

      [Student Full Name]

      [Student Id]

      Thank you,
      [Raiser Name]
      [Raiser Email]

      Messages from Other Tracking Items

      Overview of Tracking Items Raised by Other Providers

      Other select roles can raise tracking items (the generic name for flags, kudos, referrals, and to-dos) for students. These tracking items are recorded in the student folder and generate an email to the student.


      Bursar: Pending cancellation
      • Description: Bursar-raised flag warning a student’s assigned adviser that the student’s registration is pending cancellation due to an unpaid balance.
      • Raised By: Bursar
      • From:
      • To: Assigned Adviser, select members of Success Network
      • Subject: ‌Pending Cancellation for [Student Full Name]
      • Email Body:

      ‌Dear [Adviser First Name],

      Your advisee, [Student Full Name] ([Student ID Number], [Student Email Address]), has a past due balance over $1,000 and is subject to having their upcoming registration cancelled soon. Anything you can do to encourage the student to check for email from the Bursar and take action before the deadline is appreciated.

      [Bursar Note: Deadline for payment is May 2, 2024. If past due balance is not paid by the deadline, the student’s enrollment for the SU24 semester will be cancelled on May 3, 2024.] (content added by the Bursar when the flag is raised)

      The student has received an email from the Office of the Bursar informing them that, if payment is not received by the deadline, their enrollment for the upcoming semester will be cancelled the following day. Enrollment cancellation is a serious outcome that can result in students stopping out or delaying graduation.

      For questions regarding balance due and payment options, please refer the student to the Office of the Bursar at

      Messages from Calendar Events

      If an appointment is created for the future, an .ical calendar attachment will be sent to both the student and the appointment provider with the appointment details. If the appointment time has already passed when it is created in Starfish, no message will be sent.

      Appointment Messages

      To student: Add Appointment
      • From:
      • Subject: ‌Appointment: [Appointment Date] [Reason]
      • Email Body:

      ‌Hello [Recipient First Name],

      This email confirms you have scheduled the following appointment:

      Scheduled By: [Full name of person who scheduled the appointment]
      Meeting With: [Appointment provider’s full name] and [Student’s full name]
      Date: [Appointment date and time]
      Location: [Location from provider’s profile]
      Reason for Meeting: [Reasons selected by the person who scheduled the appointment]
      Instructions: [Instructions added when appointment availability was created on the provider’s Starfish calendar, if any]
      Description: [Comments added by the person who scheduled the appointment, if any]
      Course: [Course selected by the person who scheduled the appointment, if any]

      To change your appointment, please go to Starfish.

      To provider: Add Appointment
      • From:
      • Subject: ‌‌[Student Full Name] [Appointment Date] [Reason]
      • Email Body:

      ‌Dear [Recipient First Name],

      The following appointment has been scheduled with you:

      Scheduled By: [Full name of person who scheduled the appointment]
      Meeting With: [Appointment provider’s full name] and [Student’s full name]
      Date: [Appointment date and time]
      Location: [Location from provider’s profile]
      Reason for Meeting: [Reasons selected by the person who scheduled the appointment]
      Instructions: [Instructions added when appointment availability was created on the provider’s Starfish calendar, if any]
      Description: [Comments added by the person who scheduled the appointment, if any]
      Course: [Course selected by the person who scheduled the appointment, if any]

      To change this appointment, please go to Starfish.

      To student: Update Appointment
      • From:
      • Subject: ‌Appointment Update: [Appointment Date] [Reason]
      • Email Body:

      ‌Hello [Recipient First Name],

      The following appointment includes one or more updates.

      Updated By: [Full name of person who updated the appointment]
      Meeting With: [Appointment provider’s full name] and [Student’s full name]
      Date: [Appointment date and time]
      Location: [Location from provider’s profile]
      Reason for Meeting: [Reasons selected by the person who scheduled the appointment]
      Instructions: [Instructions added when appointment availability was created on the provider’s Starfish calendar, if any]
      Description: [Comments added by the person who scheduled the appointment, if any]
      Course: [Course selected by the person who scheduled the appointment, if any]

      To change your appointment, please go to Starfish.

      To provider: Update Appointment
      • From:
      • Subject: ‌‌‌[Student Full Name], [Reason], [Appointment Date]
      • Email Body:

      ‌Dear [Recipient First Name],

      The following appointment has been updated:

      Updated By: [Full name of person who updated the appointment]
      Meeting With: [Appointment provider’s full name] and [Student’s full name]
      Date: [Appointment date and time]
      Location: [Location from provider’s profile]
      Reason for Meeting: [Reasons selected by the person who scheduled the appointment]
      Instructions: [Instructions added when appointment availability was created on the provider’s Starfish calendar, if any]
      Description: [Comments added by the person who scheduled the appointment, if any]
      Course: [Course selected by the person who scheduled the appointment, if any]

      To change this appointment, please go to Starfish.

      To student: Cancel Appointment
      • From:
      • Subject: ‌Appointment Cancelled: [Reason], [Appointment Date]
      • Email Body:

      ‌Hello [Recipient First Name],

      This email confirms cancellation of the following appointment:

      Canceled By: [Full name of person who canceled the appointment]
      Meeting With: [Appointment provider’s full name] and [Student’s full name]
      Date: [Appointment date and time]
      Location: [Location from provider’s profile]
      Reason for Meeting: [Reasons selected by the person who scheduled the appointment]
      Description: [Comments added by the person who scheduled the appointment, if any]
      Course: [Course selected by the person who scheduled the appointment, if any]
      Comments: [Comments added by the person who canceled the appointment, if any]

      To reschedule, please go to Starfish.

      To provider: Cancel Appointment
      • From:
      • Subject: ‌‌‌[Student Full Name], [Reason], [Appointment Date]
      • Email Body:

      ‌Dear [Recipient First Name],

      This email confirms cancellation of the following appointment:

      Canceled By: [Full name of person who canceled the appointment]
      Meeting With: [Appointment provider’s full name] and [Student’s full name]
      Date: [Appointment date and time]
      Location: [Location from provider’s profile]
      Reason for Meeting: [Reasons selected by the person who scheduled the appointment]
      Description: [Comments added by the person who scheduled the appointment, if any]
      Course: [Course selected by the person who scheduled the appointment, if any]
      Comments: [Comments added by the person who canceled the appointment, if any]

      To change your appointments or group sessions, please go to Starfish.

      Group Session Messages

      To student: Add Group Session
      • From:
      • Subject: ‌‌[Reason], [Group Session Date]
      • Email Body:

      ‌‌Hello [Recipient First Name],

      This email confirms you have scheduled the following group session:

      Group Session: [Name used when the group session was created on the provider’s Starfish calendar]
      Session Leader: [Group session provider’s full name]
      Participant Added By: [Full name of person who scheduled the group session]
      Date: [Group session date and time]
      Location: [Location from provider’s profile]
      Reason: [Reasons selected by the person who scheduled the group session]
      Instructions: [Instructions added when group session was created on the provider’s Starfish calendar, if any]
      Description: [Comments added by the person who scheduled the group session, if any]
      Course: [Course selected by the person who scheduled the group session, if any]

      To make changes, please go to Starfish.

      To provider: Add Group Session
      • From:
      • Subject: ‌‌New Group Session: [Reason], [Group Session Date]
      • Email Body:

      ‌‌Dear [Recipient First Name],

      The following group session has been added:

      Group Session: [Name used when the group session was created on the provider’s Starfish calendar]
      Session Leader: [Group session provider’s full name]
      Participant Added By: [Full name of person who scheduled the group session]
      Date: [Group session date and time]
      Location: [Location from provider’s profile]
      Reason: [Reasons selected by the person who scheduled the group session]
      Instructions: [Instructions added when group session was created on the provider’s Starfish calendar, if any]
      Description: [Comments added by the person who scheduled the group session, if any]
      Course: [Course selected by the person who scheduled the group session, if any]

      To make changes to this group session, please go to Starfish.

      To student: Update Group Session
      • From:
      • Subject: ‌‌Group Session Update: [Reason], [Group Session Date]
      • Email Body:

      Dear [Recipient First Name],

      This email confirms you have scheduled the following group session:

      Group Session: [Name used when the group session was created on the provider’s Starfish calendar]
      Session Leader: [Group session provider’s full name]
      Updated By: [Full name of person who updated the group session]
      Date: [Group session date and time]
      Location: [Location from provider’s profile]
      Reason: [Reasons selected by the person who updated the group session]
      Instructions: [Instructions added when group session was created on the provider’s Starfish calendar, if any]
      Description: [Comments added by the person who updated the group session, if any]
      Course: [Course selected by the person who updated the group session, if any]

      To make changes, please go to Starfish.

      To provider: Update Group Session
      • From:
      • Subject: ‌‌Updated Group Session: [Reason], [Group Session Date]
      • Email Body:

      ‌‌Hello [Recipient First Name],

      This email confirms you have scheduled the following group session:

      Group Session: [Name used when the group session was created on the provider’s Starfish calendar]
      Session Leader: [Group session provider’s full name]
      Updated By: [Full name of person who updated the group session]
      Date: [Group session date and time]
      Location: [Location from provider’s profile]
      Reason: [Reasons selected by the person who updated the group session]
      Instructions: [Instructions added when group session was created on the provider’s Starfish calendar, if any]
      Description: [Comments added by the person who updated the group session, if any]
      Course: [Course selected by the person who updated the group session, if any]

      To make changes, please go to Starfish.

      To student: Cancel Group Session
      • From:
      • Subject: ‌‌Group Session Cancelled: [Reason], [Group Session Date]
      • Email Body:

      ‌‌Hello [Recipient First Name],

      This email confirms cancellation of the following group session:

      Group Session: [Name used when the group session was created on the provider’s Starfish calendar]
      Session Leader: [Group session provider’s full name]
      Canceled By: [Full name of person who canceled the group session]
      Date: [Group session date and time]
      Location: [Location from provider’s profile]
      Reason: [Reasons selected by the person who scheduled the group session]
      Instructions: [Instructions added when group session was created on the provider’s Starfish calendar, if any]
      Description: [Comments added by the person who scheduled the group session, if any]
      Course: [Course selected by the person who scheduled the group session, if any]
      Comments: [Comments added by the person who canceled the group session, if any]

      To make changes, please go to Starfish.

      To provider: Cancel Group Session
      • From:
      • Subject: ‌‌Canceled Group Session: [Reason], [Group Session Date]
      • Email Body:

      ‌‌Dear [Recipient First Name],

      The following group session has been canceled:

      Group Session: [Name used when the group session was created on the provider’s Starfish calendar]
      Session Leader: [Group session provider’s full name]
      Canceled By: [Full name of person who canceled the group session]
      Date: [Group session date and time]
      Location: [Location from provider’s profile]
      Reason: [Reasons selected by the person who scheduled the group session]
      Description: [Comments added by the person who scheduled the group session, if any]
      Course: [Course selected by the person who scheduled the group session, if any]
      Comment: [Comments added by the person who canceled the group session, if any]

      To make changes to your appointments or group sessions, please go to Starfish.

      Orientation Appointment Messages

      To student: Add Orientation Appointment
      • From:
      • Subject: ‌Orientation advising meeting details
      • Email Body:

      ‌Hello [Recipient First Name],

      The following orientation advising meeting has been created.

      Scheduled By: [Full name of person who scheduled the appointment]
      Meeting With: [Appointment provider’s full name] and [Student’s full name]
      Date: [Appointment date and time]
      Location: [Location from provider’s profile]
      Reason for Meeting: [Reasons selected by the person who scheduled the appointment]
      Instructions: [Instructions added when appointment availability was created on the provider’s Starfish calendar, if any]
      Description: [Comments added by the person who scheduled the appointment, if any]
      Course: [Course selected by the person who scheduled the appointment, if any]

      If you have already attended this meeting, you do not need to take any action.

      To provider: Add Orientation Appointment
      • From:
      • Subject: ‌‌Orientation advising meeting details
      • Email Body:

      ‌Hello [Recipient First Name],

      An orientation advising meeting with [Student Full Name] has been added to your Starfish calendar.

      Scheduled By: [Full name of person who scheduled the appointment]
      Meeting With: [Appointment provider’s full name] and [Student’s full name]
      Date: [Appointment date and time]
      Location: [Location from provider’s profile]
      Reason for Meeting: [Reasons selected by the person who scheduled the appointment]
      Instructions: [Instructions added when appointment availability was created on the provider’s Starfish calendar, if any]
      Description: [Comments added by the person who scheduled the appointment, if any]
      Course: [Course selected by the person who scheduled the appointment, if any]

      If you have already attended this meeting, you do not need to take any action.

      To student: Update Orientation Appointment
      • From:
      • Subject: ‌Orientation advising meeting details
      • Email Body:

      ‌Hello [Recipient First Name],

      The following meeting has been updated.

      Updated By: [Full name of person who updated the appointment]
      Meeting With: [Appointment provider’s full name] and [Student’s full name]
      Date: [Appointment date and time]
      Location: [Location from provider’s profile]
      Reason for Meeting: [Reasons selected by the person who scheduled the appointment]
      Instructions: [Instructions added when appointment availability was created on the provider’s Starfish calendar, if any]
      Description: [Comments added by the person who scheduled the appointment, if any]
      Course: [Course selected by the person who scheduled the appointment, if any]

      If you have already attended this meeting, you do not need to take any action.

      To provider: Update Orientation Appointment
      • From:
      • Subject: ‌‌‌Orientation advising meeting details
      • Email Body:

      ‌Hello [Recipient First Name],

      The following meeting with [Student Full Name] has been updated.

      Updated By: [Full name of person who updated the appointment]
      Meeting With: [Appointment provider’s full name] and [Student’s full name]
      Date: [Appointment date and time]
      Location: [Location from provider’s profile]
      Reason for Meeting: [Reasons selected by the person who scheduled the appointment]
      Instructions: [Instructions added when appointment availability was created on the provider’s Starfish calendar, if any]
      Description: [Comments added by the person who scheduled the appointment, if any]
      Course: [Course selected by the person who scheduled the appointment, if any]

      If you have already attended this meeting, you do not need to take any action.

      To student: Cancel Orientation Appointment
      • From:
      • Subject: ‌Orientation advising meeting details
      • Email Body:

      ‌Hello [Recipient First Name],

      The following meeting has been canceled:

      Canceled By: [Full name of person who canceled the appointment]
      Meeting With: [Appointment provider’s full name] and [Student’s full name]
      Date: [Appointment date and time]
      Location: [Location from provider’s profile]
      Reason for Meeting: [Reasons selected by the person who scheduled the appointment]
      Description: [Comments added by the person who scheduled the appointment, if any]
      Course: [Course selected by the person who scheduled the appointment, if any]
      Comments: [Comments added by the person who canceled the appointment, if any]

      If you have already attended this meeting, you do not need to take any action.

      To provider: Cancel Orientation Appointment
      • From:
      • Subject: ‌‌‌Orientation advising meeting details
      • Email Body:

      ‌Hello [Recipient First Name],

      The following meeting with Rachel Lands has been canceled:

      Canceled By: [Full name of person who canceled the appointment]
      Meeting With: [Appointment provider’s full name] and [Student’s full name]
      Date: [Appointment date and time]
      Location: [Location from provider’s profile]
      Reason for Meeting: [Reasons selected by the person who scheduled the appointment]
      Description: [Comments added by the person who scheduled the appointment, if any]
      Course: [Course selected by the person who scheduled the appointment, if any]
      Comments: [Comments added by the person who canceled the appointment, if any]

      If you have already attended this meeting, you do not need to take any action.

      Missed Appointment Message

      To student: Missed Appointment
      • From:
      • Subject: ‌Missed Appointment
      • Email Body:

      Dear [Student Full Name],

      You missed your appointment with me on [Appointment Date and Time]. To help ensure your success, it is important that you attend scheduled meetings. If you need to cancel in the future, please do so in advance so another student can use that time. To reschedule your missed appointment, log in to Starfish.

      [Appointment Provider’s Full Name]