Hydrology of solar farms

This project is focusing on understanding the impacts of large scale ground-mounted solar panels on hydrological processes and implications for stormwater management recommendations for solar farms. It will include a combination of field measurements on local solar farms, as well as hydrological modeling. We are also collecting some preliminary data on additional ecosystem services of interest (e.g. soil C accumulation, vegetation as habitat).

Status: In progress (2021- )

Collaborator: Cibin Raj

Student: Rouhangiz (Nasim) Yavari

Funding support: USGS 104b via Pennsylvania Water Resources Research Center; Penn State College of Ag Sciences Strategic Networks and Initiatives Program

New publication out!
Yavari Bajehbaj, R., D. Zaliwciw, R. Cibin, L. McPhillips. In press. Minimizing environmental impacts of solar farms: a review of current science on landscape hydrology and guidance on stormwater management. Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability. link.

Side view of solar panels