Maddie Weikel

Class of 2020, Bachelor of Arts with Honors in Environmental Studies, New York University.

Framework for Assessing Climate Change Implications of Green Stormwater Infrastructure

2019 Penn State Drawdown Undergraduate Research Scholar

Advised by Dr. Hong Wu

Project Statement

        Because wet weather events have been increasingly overwhelming urban stormwater management systems, cities have been turning to green stormwater infrastructure(GSI) to relieve pressure on existing stormwater systems. While the many environmental and social benefits of GSI strategies have been well-researched, lifecycle assessments (LCAs) of GSI greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) impacts are lacking due to inconsistencies in measurement frameworks and difficulty assessing certain carbon footprint components (e.g., emission/sequestration by vegetation). The goal of this project is to suggest a standardized set of guidelines or assumptions about what to include in LCAs of GSI greenhouse gas emissions.

Installing Flow Sensors at the IM Building Rain Garden
Installing Flow Sensors at the IM Building Rain Garden