Canvas Voting Module for the 2024 General Election

A module you can import into your Canvas course!

Created by the Office for General Education, this module familiarizes students with the General Election in a presidential election year. It also shares some information about registering to vote, which is critical for students who sometimes harbor misconceptions and run into other tricky issues with registering to vote. The module takes students about an hour to complete, concluding with a 20-point quiz on content. It requires no direct instruction from you, though you are welcome to click through the content, too!

Importing this module into your Canvas course space and offering it to students as an extra credit, enrichment, or participation activity supports students’ civic education in a way that is structured, easy to deliver, and minimally disruptive to your own class time.

Steps to Import

To view and import Learn about the 2024 General Election from Creative Commons
into your course(s), follow these instructions:

Canvas module

 Step 3


Canvas module

Step 4

Step 6

 Step 6

Step 7

Step 1

Log into Canvas with your PSU credentials.


Step 2

Select the Commons button in the left navigation menu.

Step 3

Enter the title of the module, “Learn About The 2024 General Election in the search bar at the top of the Commons page.


Step 4

Click on the title of the module. Then select Import/Download under the module icon on the right side of the screen.

Step 5

Select the course(s) where you would like to import the module and click “Import into course.” 


Step 6

Give Canvas a little time to complete the import (this might take several minutes), then look for it under Modules on your course’s sidebar.


Step 7

Make sure the module is published and available to students. The Faculty User Guide should remain UNPUBLISHED, with the green check unselected.


Step 8

The quiz should appear in your Canvas assignments space under Imported Assignments. You may want to move it to your Assignments or Assignment Group if you would like to set it up with a value.


Questions or concerns?