Engaged Teaching Modules

Take a look at some of the content we’ve put together!



Among the goals of General Education at Penn State is to prepare our students to be active citizens.  General Education courses can help to promote this objective by including modules in their courses that address specific aspects of civic engagement such as the goal of sustainability.  

Martin Luther King Jr. Day at Penn State

Faculty teaching a range of General Education courses might consider implementing a module on MLK Day as a way to build justice & rights engagement component in to their class.

To assist faculty who might want to incorporate such a module into their syllabus we have gathered a range of helpful resources,  including a history of MLK Day,

resource websites for faculty planning to include MLK Day activities in their course, as well as a list of resources that outline how to launch volunteer activities on MLK Day.




A Case Study

Issues in Freedom of Expression: Campus Speech and Penn State University

This case study was created to provide a framework for the exploration of the concept of free speech on college campuses.  
According to Toby D. Pilditch et al. (2022), exposure to such case studies may “inoculate” students against misinformation in the future. In other words, we may build a psychological resistance to polarizing news stories and be better able to wrestle with higher-level conceptual thinking (critical thinking).

This case is based on the events of October 24th, 2022 when right-wing YouTuber Alex Stein and Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes came to Penn State at the invitation of the university’s student chapter of Uncensored America. In addition to a documented narrative of the events surrounding that day, the case offers Guiding Questions and Approaches to Learning meant to help instructors and students engage with complex issues, explore gray areas, and identify contradictions and tensions in order to think critically and deliberate productively.


Earth Day

Faculty teaching a range of General Education courses might consider implementing a module on Earth Day as a way to build a sustainability engagement component in to their class.

Constitution Day

Faculty teaching a range of General Education courses might consider implementing a module on Constitution Day as a way to build a civic engagement component in to their class.