Monthly Archives: February 2014

Passion Post #4- No Woman, No Cry

In film there is a huge disparity between who we see in real life, and what we see in film. Generally and logically, half the world is female. Yet in film, for every 1 female actress, there are 2.25 male actors. Only 30.8% of female characters speak. 9% of movies feature female directors.

Check that for more disgusting stats, but the point is women are not nearly as important or prevalent in film, and that’s a bit strange.

And there are ways to see this without looking at statistics, but individual movies.

Charlies Angels_0


This is an awful movie, in my opinion, but it is about kicking ass females solving crime and taking having sex. It tries to be like “o yeah feminism rocks! Look at this! We had Cameron Diaz kick Crispin Glover!”, and then they make the actresses do this.



And this is how they advertised the movie.



Because women have sex right? Thats like their main personality trait, probably.

Even as a guy I think this is outrageous. But its sadly not the only film this happens in. There are so many I don’t want to even name them. But when women buy half the movie tickets, why does this happen?

And I don’t have a perfect answer to that. The easiest, most fun option are blame those dastardly men. But, Charlies Angels was partly produced by Drew Barrymore. And when women direct films (such as “What Women Want”) the results are not much better, and actually even more stereotypical.

There is even something called the Bechdel Test, which tracks movies to see if they have a scene where two women talk to each other, about something other than a man. Movies like Avatar, Star Wars, Lord of The Rings, and What Women Want all fail the test.

So where does this come from? Why are women held down and into such stereotypical roles?

I really can not give a perfect answer other than sex sells, and women are the best sex symbols because women are generally more comfortable with their sexuality than men. The movie industry has just grown with men in mind.

But a contrary answer, and something i do believe, is that we are more critical of women than we are of men. So when a woman character is on screen, people are more likely to judge her for her actions. This is because of the feminist movement, and women are slightly more cutthroat then men. So, accidentally, everyone has shifted from writing good, strong, smart, female characters, to things like Charlies Angels and Showgirls.

Hopefully this changes in the future, and we get better characters overall.

Civic Issue #2- The Dick Cheney posses the Devil, AKA Exodus

I liked the title.

I am a big fan of Chuck Hagel, not because he is good at what he does, or he knows a lot about defense. Just because he makes sense. If he proposes a bill, or an idea, he backs it up with logic. You know, common sense, which in politics is view and far in-between.

Chuck Hagel has come out recently to say he is cutting defense spending, and reducing the number of troops. The number of troops being reduced is really only 100,000 people being cut. Not even 10% according to most estimates. Also other military expenditures out there, that a committee of high ranking officials of the military ASKED FOR 3 years ago (which everyone HATES mentioning). 3 years ago, when they asked for the cut, Congress gave them 3.2 billion dollars more, as well as 3,000 new tanks. We sold our old tanks to other countries, like a garage sale.

Meanwhile, Mr. Cheney, who lied about torture, gave oil companies an undisclosed tax break and government deal after he was publicly given 50,000,000 in oil money for stepping down from his position and whose slogan when he was Vice President was “A president you can trust with a gun” (i only made one of those up), said Obama “would rather fund food stamps” than our military. He equated cutting the number of troops with not supporting them, and probably drank the spinal fluid of one of the Bush brothers to keep living.

This is troublesome for a few reasons. I am not an Obama fan, by any stretch. But the fact is, more foodstamps were handed out under Bush so far than under Obama. Also, one of the worst things in the world you can do is not support the troops. I really think that, I may believe what they are fighting for is wrong, and what they are forced to do is wrong, but i know their intentions are good and want no harm to them. I am not special, everyone basically thinks this. But saying someone does not support the troops, because the person is having the troops come home is moronic on a level i can not begin to describe.

Anyway, the problem is a failed Vice President and former head of the Pentagon is trashing an adminstration in flux, and people think he holds clout. This is about reducing unnecessary costs, and this happens to be one of them.


Passion Post #3- The Gay Villains

This week I will try not to focus solely on Disney as a film producing company, but they will be involved since they demonstrate my point pretty well.

Perhaps if you are like me, you find the Villians in movies just as cool, if not more interesting, than the heroes. Sure, people like James Bond, Batman are cool, but Blofeld, The Joker, and Freddy Krueger are interesting, and deep. But, because cinema started in the early 1900s (and before) there have been some strange tropes (pigeonholes) given to movie villains, either consciously or not, and some are more subtle than others, and perhaps hold more ground on a rational basis.

For instance, people say Darth Vader is black and there is some level of racism to that. Which is nonsense. He is black because if he was all white, or all red, he would lack intimidation.

The early Batman villians were those “shifty eyed japs”, as dubbed in 1943, and “Birth of a Nation” is considered by some to be a racist movie as a whole.

But, that is not what this is about.

This is about the gay villain stereotype, and its one that I love, and think is awful at the same time. Let me explain.

Obviously, gay people are still “controversial” if you will. Some people feel the need to hate them, and that’s fine, they are wrong, but its fine. But back in the early mid 1900s, it was not as controversial. Gays were simply just considered wrong, the debate was not that important. So, when producers and writers wanted to make a character seem “evil, someone morally unjustified and someone people want to see punished” they turned to gay people. There was virtually no backlash from having a gay villain.

Now, villains were never said to be gay, only heavily implied. Look at “The Adventures of Robin Hood”      gay villian robin


He is the easiest early example, from 1938. His sexuality is never discussed, but he is described and depicted as a sissy, flamboyant, and he cheated his way to the throne. Then from what he wears compared to what everyone else wheres, he dresses alittle differently. He is “coded” as a gay man, because then the audience can hate him more.

But, old examples are a bit more blatent, and with a changing society you would assume we got rid of this stereotype and moved on to less hateful ways of depicting villians… but no.

Modern day. gay pocahontas ratcliffe

This dude. From “Pocahontas”. Can you hate someone more than Ratcliffe? Now, as im sure you didnt think but it helps me move the post along so i shall pretend,  “He isnt gay!”. BUT ON THE CONTRARY. He dresses in bright purple and gold, he has his manservant dress him, he desires gold, he has a perfectly trimmed goatee, he hates being dirty, and he wears pigtails in his hair. 2 of them. Before we hear him talk, we know he is the bad guy. Just from all those feminine and flamboyant things i just listed. And he is not the only Disney villain that is coded this way. Scar flays his paw around and hates woman, Ursula is a drag queen (litterally     and Ratigan is the epitome of everything i listed above.

hnger games


One last example, the Hunger Games. I never read the books, but from the movies this is what the people from the capitol look like.

gay pride


This is a gay pride parade. Those 2 above could fit in half the scenes from the movie and i wouldnt blink.

The point is, villains coded as gay has become a very strange trope. But, in all honesty, i really like it. I hate Ratcliffe, in all his glory, I do, i hate Gary Oldman in “Leon”, there is something about the trope that works, even if it is hateful. At the same time, it is teaching people something, albeit accidentally, about what they think. And it may accidentally be teaching people to hate those kinds of villians, or people.


Passion Blog #2

I do not want to focus solely on Disney in this blog, so this will be my last time directly talking about the company as my main focus. But they are thoroughly on my mind as i just applied to go to school there, and work there, so i have no choice in the matter.

In the late 80s, Disney experienced a renaissance of sorts. This was brought on by the success of “The Little Mermaid.” And spearheaded by big figureheads in Disney, namely Michael Eisner and Jeffrey Katzenberg. Katzenberg then made all the Disney classics. “Beauty and the Beast”, “The Lion King”. As he was making “Aladdin”, he wanted a promotion, and Eisner refused because Eisner hates freedom.

As Katzenberg left and gave a big middle finger to Disney, he and Stephen Spielberg made Dreamworks. “Aladdin” came out, and since it was a big success, it is really the first Dreamworks film. The pop culture, the vague story, the voice actors, it really seems nothing like a Disney film other than it has a princess.

And after Dreamworks was made, it has rivaled Pixar and at times the companies steal each others ideas (“Antz” and “A Bugs Life”). But while Disney has gone on to rule the world and form a monopoly that rivals the power of nations, Dreamworks has plugged along making money and staying a very steady stream of hits.

I do not doubt that Disney has very little care when it comes to the core of Dreamworks actions. However, Dreamworks has made crucial changes to what we think of Disney, and how Disney has been forced to change to keep up with Dreamworks. Marketing. The companies both are not interested in marketing solely to kids anymore. Shrek was a movie full of in-jokes that kids never understood. It made fun of Disney at every moment it could, which is mostly why it was so funny. Dreamworks also loves adult humour and puns. Because in their mind, adults will want their kids to see that movie.

Now, ads for Disney are more mischievous, something Cinderella and Aurora never could have imagined. They play on emotions that go above kids heads. It is not just about love anymore, but faith (Hunchback), betrayal (Frozen), everything Toy Story did. Now Disney uses pop songs, tries to market to teenagers, shows that they can be “edgy” (even if they cant be). Compare ads for Disney now, and even 15 years ago and everything has changed.

Dreamworks itself may not be the greatest company, but the influence they have had on getting people to watch their movies is unparalleled. Disney has even learned from it.

Civic Issue #1

I hate the term “civic issue”. For a few reasons, one, it lowers the realm of what you can talk about if you are taking it literally. It means within the town, and i do not have much interest on talking about local politics and government. That being said, i do have a much interest in national politics, and have since i was a kid. Politics is inherently fun because it is inherently idiotic.

Man, do i hate politics. It makes no sense, there are no “facts”, everyone disagrees and no one will admit they are wrong, even when every ounce of common sense proves they are.

Politics is enigmatic in the absolute worst-and best-way.

Which brings me to my first blog topic. Political philosophies. Namely, political parties. There is absolutely nothing more frustrating than when someone says “I’m a republican”, or “I’m a democrat”. Those words are never met with something that is going to be, or was, intelligent. Generally, when someone says “I’m a republican”, the conversation goes like this.

“Man, can you believe what that guy from ‘Duck Dynasty’ said?”

“I think everyone should have freedom of speech really, if he wants to say that, its his opinion and opinions aren’t wrong, its just what he thinks”.

“Okay… but you have to admit that was a pretty horrible thing to say”.

“I mean, i’m a republican so…. (more words that don’t matter”.

That may not seem too bad, just someone expressing their views in a poor manner. However, political parties have become so separate with nothing in the middle, that people just side with one and agree with viewpoints they do not ACTUALLY agree with. Democrats do this too. Political parties just want the money and do not really care about the voter, because if they did there would not be government shutdowns, and airports would have had all the lists of would-be terrorists, and laws would be passed.

Now, that is a claim, that political parties just want money. But in the last presidential election alone, over 2 billion dollars were spent. Thats one election, not counting the hundreds of small elections for congress and state government. The more money they have, the more influence they have on America and pushing their agenda, good or bad.

When there is only a 2 party system, views get phased out and into a certain side of a spectrum. People have to decide what means the most to them, and pick which side best represents that. Then, there is less cohesiveness to our political philosophy, and we blindly follow leaders to don’t really represent us.

However, the cynic i am, i also agree with the statement “the only thing dumber than a republican or a democrat, is when these pricks work together”. It is like when you have 2 infants watch each other because you want to go to the gym, and then being surprised when the kids eat all the chocolate and get sick.

I am very jaded when it comes to political parties, because i do not fit in one, and really, think that they serve little to no purpose. They make more money than imaginable, and have more back handed deals than the show Scandal. Just because I like Ron Paul, does not mean i have to accept Rand Paul as anything other than a system player.