Back to the Basics

Most of the time when you start a new class, the professor reviews material from previous chapters just in case you forgot. So, for example, every science class you enroll in, you are presented with the scientific method at least once in the first week (I actually got it 3 times this year so far).

That’s what we are going to do now: go back to the basics. What is feminism? What makes someone a feminist? Why is it even important? Why should I care about this now- its 2015. This was only relevant in like, 1919? It’s okay. We have all asked these questions at one point. Let’s take a closer look at the answers.

To see the word FEMINIST on TV that big behind a MAJOR star was a great moment. Via.(

Feminism is the belief that the sexes should be politically, economically, and socially equal. Feminism is not the belief that women are better than men. That is called misandry and it is very important to know the difference between the two. If a woman says something along the lines of “Yes, I’m a feminist: I think women are better than men in every way possible/I hate men/women should have more rights than men”- Don’t worry. She isn’t a feminist. She is a misandrist. We, as a national group, do not hate men.

To be a feminist, all you have to do is believe total equality. You have to fight and protect other women, but at the same time, not belittle men. You must realize that a women’s choices are exactly that and aren’t yours to pass judgement on. This includes what she wears, who she dates, what she likes, what she doesn’t like, and everything else. It means supporting and empowering women in the arts, sciences, and businesses who are working hard to break the glass ceiling (we will get to that later). It means fighting for the rights that we have been denied for so long. Finally, I can’t stress this enough, it means believing in the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes. All of the sexes.

More facts about feminism

Some of you might be saying, “It’s 2015. Men and women are equal. The fight is over. I don’t understand what the big deal is.” You see, the thing is, for years my sex was seen as property. Had I been born 200 years ago, I would have been married off in exchange for money or goods. 100 years ago I still would’t have been allowed to vote. 65 years ago I would have been expected to be a stay at home and take care of my husband’s children. And today? If my own body is violated by someone, the very first thing I will be asked is “What were you wearing?”

Help Support Women Today:

Let me throw some numbers at you- in our world today, women make up about 51% of the U.S. population. However, we only make up 17% of the Congress. Compared to white men, in 2013, white women made 78% of a man’s salary; African American women made 64%, and Hispanic women made 54%. Sounds fair to me. Fig4(

Wanna know why we need feminism? Because we still teach girls how to not get raped instead of teaching boys not to rape. We teach girls that when boys are mean to them, it means they like them- then we wonder why 15 years later that same girl gets stuck in an abusive relationship. We teach that “boys will be boys” and that girls just have to deal with it because that’s how things are.

I am a feminist. I believe in the political, economical, and social equality of the sexes. Do you?


More information and articles on Feminism and Women’s Studies:

3 thoughts on “Back to the Basics

  1. hbl5075

    Hey Danielle,
    I enjoyed reading your blog post very much. As i was reading it I couldn’t help but remember the memes or Facebook post I would see in my news feed all bout the point you are making. I completely agree with your argument on how we are teaching girls how not to get rape instead of teaching the boys not to rape. I look forward to reading your future blog post.

  2. smh6226

    I love this. I love this a lot. I can tell just by reading this how much it truly enlivens you to talk about it, and just how passionate you are about the subject. You’re absolutely right as well: feminism isn’t the belittling of men. We don’t want to be better. We just want to be equal. Everyone deserves to be treated equally, and that extends beyond gender to race and sexual orientation as well, I believe. But, back to the point. You were very eloquent throughout the entire post, and the whole thing flowed beautifully. I really enjoyed reading this. Your incorporation of statistics, while making your point more credible, also made it more real. A sort of this is how the world works versus how the world should work. I like that.

  3. cmm6693

    Hi Danielle,
    I really enjoyed your blog and especially your title it was very created. I agree with you with the fact that the fight is not really over. I think it is very sad that a women is first asked what she was wearing if she was raped. It is not right and something needs to be done to change that. I really liked how you incorporated statistics and facts in your article to prove your point. It really makes your post more credible and
    eye-opening. I look forward to reading your future blog posts!

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