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Alienware M14x laptops

April 17, 2013 by Tiantian   

What’s the first choice of laptop for a gamer?

All the answers from my friends are Alienware, the United States computer hardware subsidiary of Dell, Inc. It is founded in 1996 by Nelson Gonzalez and Alex Aguila and was purchased by Dell Inc. in 2006. The new subsidiary maintained its autonomy in terms of design and marketing. Nevertheless, Alienware’s access to Dell’s supply chain, purchasing power, and economies of scale would lower its operating costs. [1]

Alienware M14x, with 14” screen and starting at 6.45 lb3, you can feel free to travel with this laptop. In addition, discrete GDDR5 mobile graphics with the most advanced graphics memory bring your games to life. But the most impressive thing of this laptop is the Alienware Command Center software.

First, the AlienAdrenaline. This new AlienAdrenaline feature is able to make an exclusive profile for every single game on your laptop. Also, this feature incapacitates excessive programs and activates your music player when the game is launched.


Second, the AlienFXTM. This is an AlienFX System Lighting Technology, which gives the access to variety of themes and 512 billion distinct lighting combinations to make your laptop unique.

Third, AlienFusion. Power usage is always a big problem for gamer. Only with a reasonable power usage, the laptop can give a good game experience for users. This AlienFusion power management controls.


Fourth, AlienTouchTM. If you are worrying about the touchpad’s sensitivity, you don’t need to any more with the technique AlienTouch, which prevent accidental contact. The vertical and horizontal scrolling can be straightforwardly distinguished.



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