I was about to write my 5th passion blog and my peer evaluations, then I realized that I hadn’t written my fourth passion blog yet.
I guess I was too focused on the deliberation nation assignment that I forgot we had other assignments happening at the same time. Not sure if this will be worth any points, but might as well write it right.
I’m going to use this passion blog to talk about award shows. I know I’m pretty late since awards season has passed, but I was thinking a lot about it today. Mostly how little awards matter yet they still do.
I was looking mostly at the Grammy’s as their credibility is extremely low. I was listening to music on the way to class and a throwback appeared: Macklemore’s Thrift Shop. Undoubtedly a bop, this song radiated through the radio when I was 12. Everyone loved it. The accompanying album, The Heist, was pretty good too. But then I remembered, and got mad, that it won best rap album of the year beating out Drake, Jay-Z, Kanye West, and most notably, Kendrick Lamar’s masterpiece Good Kid MAAD City. That album is an instant classic, masterpiece, and one of the greatest albums, not just rap albums, of all time. And it lost to Macklemore. That is incredible to me.
I remember too that at the time the general public and music industry realized how incredibly wrong this choice was saying that Kendrick got robbed. And he really did. Kendrick has shaped himself into one of the greatest rappers of all time with an outstanding discography consisting of Section 80, GKMC, TPAB, and DAMN. All of which are absolutely incredible and all of which are better than The Heist. Yes, even Section 80. I’m not trying to take anything away from The Heist either which I do believe is a great album. In fact, I just listened to The Heist in its entirety while playing Madden. And now, I’m halfway into listening to GKMC for the millioneth time.
This is just one example of dozens, if not hundreds of times, that the Grammy’s got something wrong. And its not just the Grammy’s. The Golden Globes, Oscars, and all of the other ones always get certain things wrong. This is because it is all just the opinions of a bunch of rich people which means that it probably doesn’t reflect the view of the general population or industry.
Still, I pay attention to who wins Best Picture. I don’t know what that says about me but I do.
I agree that award shows are definitely unfair and don’t give the proper credit needed many times. This is especially true with the Grammy’s. It almost seems like the award winners are rigged. I don’t believe many award shows go by complete democratic vote, but that is how it should be. I know TV shows like America’s Got Talent partially does democratic voting on acts, and it definitely seems more fair, and at the same time, provides a bit more incentive to watch consistently and gain viewership. I’ve never been a huge fan of award shows though.