I just finished the Tiger King on Netflix yesterday and absolutely loved it. There isn’t much to do these days other than watch Netflix so I’m just going to make my blog post about this intriguing documentary.
There are a lot of people who have voiced their opinion about Joe Exotic thinking that he got set up and should be set free from prison. I disagree with them. I think he got exactly what he deserved since he’s done tons of terrible things and he definitely deserves all the prison time that he’s gotten. That being said, I do agree that he’s not even close to the only person who deserves to be in prison. Not by a long shot. Jeff Lowe should be in prison, the hit man he hired, Doc,and probably Carol too. Jeff was just as much a part of the plot to try to murder Carol as Joe was and I can’t believe that there hasn’t been any attempt to put him behind bars as well. Also the hit man, I forget his name, nearly went through with the job and accepted money to kill Carol. That is extremely illegal and he should be in prison as well.
Now when it comes to Carol, I think she killed her husband. There’s no real evidence that she did, but all of the circumstantial evidence lines up. Also in the show when Joe is talking about how he thought that someone put cologne on his shoe to get a tiger to eat him, Carol says “The only way to get a tiger to eat someone is to cover them in sardine oil or something.” How would she know what to put on a person to get a tiger to eat them? The only way she’d know is if she had done it before…to her husband.
Lastly, in all of the lies and crimes, I feel the worst for the tigers and all the other animals. I think that none of them belong here. I feel so bad for all of them just being put on display. It should be illegal. They should all be in the wild where they belong.