The Pennsylvania State Game Lands 33 (SGL33) research project in central Pennsylvania began in 1953 in response to public concern—particularly from hunters—about the impact of vegetation management practices on wildlife habitat within electric transmission rights-of-way. Today, SGL33 is the site of the longest continuous study measuring the effects of herbicides and mechanical vegetation management practices on plant diversity, wildlife habitat, and wildlife use within a right-of-way. Similar studies have been conducted at a companion site, Green Lane Research and Demonstration Area (GLR&D), in southeastern Pennsylvania since 1987. Both projects provide invaluable information for understanding the response of plants and animals to vegetation management on rights-of-way.

This on-going research is funded cooperatively by Corteva Agriscience™, Asplundh Tree Expert, LLC; FirstEnergy, and PECO Energy Company with researchers at the Pennsylvania State University.

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