Updated Plant and Animal Response Report

The Pennsylvania State Game Lands 33 (SGL33) research project in central Pennsylvania began in 1953 in response to public concern—particularly from hunters—about the impact of vegetation management practices on wildlife habitat within electric transmission...

2021 Floral and Faunal Research Report

Integrated vegetation management on rights-of way Electrical rights-of-way (ROW) vegetation management methods arrest plant growth and, therefore, provide early successional habitat that is compatible with electrical powerlines and favored by many floral and faunal...

Paper: Plant and Animal Community Response

Paper: Plant and Animal Community Response Results of 65 years of ecological research on Pennsylvania electric transmission rights-of-way demonstrate that plant communities can be selectively managed to support reliable electric service and a diverse plant community...

Article: New Publication on ROW Native Plants

The Effects of Integrated Vegetation Management on Richness of Native Compatible Flowering Plants and Abundance of Non-Compatible Tree Species on a Right-of-Way in Central Pennsylvania, USA Abstract. We examined the effects of integrated vegetation management (IVM)...