WIP Blog #2: Persuasion and Advocacy Project

Hey, guys! For my persuasion and advocacy project, I’m highly considering writing about the controversy surrounding videogames (why or why not they should be played) and what I claim to be the positive values and attributes associated with them. I may or may not be collaborating on this with someone from another RCL section. It isn’t a huge, widespread issue like airport security or LGBTQ rights, but it’s something I’m super passionate about, and I truly believe that videogaming as a hobby can positively influence someone’s life.

If you think about it, videogames are a lot like books or movies and with innovative technology, videogames aren’t so far behind either of these things in terms of quality story-telling and eye-catching cinematic features. A lot of people love to read for fun and watch movies in their spare time for the same reasons that people love to play videogames. The characters in videogames are oftentimes engaging and interactive, relatable and lifelike, where it is easy for the player to be emotionally attached to characters and readily immersed in an alternate universe much in the same way that a reader would for a book or a movie-goer for a specific movie. Knowing this, it shouldn’t be at all surprising to hear that a lot of well-done, popular videogame series’ and franchises in our society are being turned into movies so that they can reach and enlighten a wider audience.

This is why I’ve decided to write my persuasive essay and advocate on this specific topic. Videogames are awesome. You like music? Videogame soundtracks. You like books? Videogame storylines. You need a friend? Videogame characters. You like beautiful scenary? Video game graphics. Videogames have the potential to be powerful, meaningful, motivating, and totally thought-provoking and it is a shame that a scores of people will dismiss them and miss out on these special messages just because it’s from a medium that is unfamiliar to them, or one that is commonly accepted by some to be broadcasting unnecessary violence and killing as a positive thing, or as something to only waste time with that has no cognitive or material value and I want to try to change that.


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3 Responses to WIP Blog #2: Persuasion and Advocacy Project

  1. Jared Ogden says:

    I enjoyed how you portrayed a more holistic view of video games in this post. Too often, video games are portrayed as mindless outlets of violence. On the contrary, video games are normally highly stimulating, engaging, and require skill. You chose a great topic because this is certainly a controversy that our society faces. Furthermore, with the rise of e-sports, and platforms such as twitch, video games are here to stay.

  2. Jeremy says:

    This is a really cool idea! I’ve never been one for a lot of video games, though I have been surrounded by them a majority of my life. As such, I do see the point of what you’re saying so I’m interested to see which directions you’ll take this, especially with your advocacy project.

  3. Abby K. says:

    I think this is a very interesting angle on this topic- it definitely goes against the typical arguments we hear about video games, which will be refreshing to read!

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