Men On Instagram MUST Be Stopped

I’m just gonna get straight to the point: I absolutely hate using social media as a woman. It’s horrendous and the amount of toxic masculinity on there is pervasive. I don’t even think I can coherently break this down, I just feel like I have so much to say that isn’t world salad à cause de la rage. Let me start with some context. A popular Instagram page posted a, in my opinion, pretty funny video of someone I knew. I made the mistake of scrolling through the comments and found a ton of comments from MEN that go to Penn State making comments being rude and disrespectful about this person’s appearance and perceived political values. I’m sure you can already see where I’m going with this.

Social media unfortunately allows men to show a side of themselves that they (rightfully and also scarily) keep hidden in real life, and I believe that this behavior shows how deeply their hatred and disregard for women truly runs. I’m not a fan of saying “oh well women act this way too so you can’t single out men” because it’s f****** WRONG. Men as a class have been abusing women since the dawn of time and are responsible for women’s oppression, point blank. We need to be calling this behavior what it is: male aggression. MALE. Aggression. I’m not saying women can’t be rude, but I seldom see women acting like men do in thinking that what they have to say is SO important that it can completely bypass their “hm… maybe I shouldn’t say that because it’s rude” filter. This behavior is unique to men, but I digress. The general attitude of men on social media says that they can say horrible, abusive, misogynistic shit about women and bond over their misogyny because it’s “funny”; but when a woman even suggests criticizing this behavior, she is met with a barrage of “get back in the kitchen” and “but my free speech!!!!” and “lol its just an edgy meme u feminist lol #meninist”. They’re not even creative anymore. I seriously cannot believe that men are so narcissistic that all they do is throw insults from 2008 at you and say “well this doesn’t apply to me but I have this unrelated knowledge so take THAT feminist!!1”. And god forbid they are able to see what you look like; then all that happens is they call you fat or something superficial because truly they have nothing else valuable to say. I am 100% convinced that they say this garbage because saying it in real life would be met with actual consequences. All it does is reveal their state of arrested development.

My patience for this has worn so thin that if someone breathes the wrong way in my direction it’s just gonna blow away, never to be seen again. It’s funny because literally every reply to my comment on that Instagram post was from a man. Every. Single. One. Except for one from another woman who said, “Dude, I’ve just been reading these comments and it just occurred to me out of nowhere that men are trash.” I liked that one. On the contrary, only women had liked my comment telling said men to shut the f*** up. Calling men out on social media is doing God’s work.

The fact that they all think it’s a joke is probably the worst part. OF COURSE IT’S A FREAKING JOKE TO THEM, THEY AREN’T THE ONES BEING DISRESPECTED. We can see the hypocrisy demonstrated in their response to criticisms. The fact that they’re so good with dishing out misogyny, but can’t physically withstand even a milligram of someone telling them they’re wrong and need to shut up, tells us that they’re manchildren and have been raised to think that everything they have to say matters, even if it literally doesn’t. Social media seems to be a breeding ground for this behavior thanks to the lack of accountability men feel being able to hide behind their screens. They have a lot of nerve to talk that much shit from a private account, just saying.

One Response

  1. ojg5046 April 10, 2019 at 1:51 pm |

    Go off

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