
This page is devoted to member (or guest) posts. This blog serves as space for members to put their thoughts, frustrations, joys, and art.  It is a place to gather the feminist news and media that impacts us.  Most importantly, it is a space for members to be themselves and showcase their incredible feminism.

This blog does not represent the views of the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Department at Penn State.

Regarding Sargon of Akkad and Hunter Avallone’s Turning Point Event

We, Iota Iota Iota, the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Honor Society at Penn State, condemn the hate speech event that Turning Point USA is promoting with guest speakers Carl Benjamin and Hunter Avallone. The threatening rhetoric both speakers employ has no place at our university and, for the safety and purported inclusion pledged by […]

Men On Instagram MUST Be Stopped

I’m just gonna get straight to the point: I absolutely hate using social media as a woman. It’s horrendous and the amount of toxic masculinity on there is pervasive. I don’t even think I can coherently break this down, I just feel like I have so much to say that isn’t world salad à cause […]

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