Before the Videoconferencing Session

This is a recommended list of activities to follow before the live videoconferencing session:

  • Choose the technology that best fits your needs and instructional goals.
  • Meet with your technical support staff.
    • Common questions to ask include:
      • How do I access the equipment and the system?
      • How do my participants access the equipment and the system?
      • How do I receive emergency assistance?
      • May I do a practice run with you?
  • If you are running the video conferencing technology yourself, know how to operate the systems.
  • Complete a practice run at least 24 hours before the live session.
  • Prepare and distribute all relevant materials, including a videoconferencing etiquette summary, to your participants. This may be done via email.
  • If you plan to share a recording of the session with others not directly participating in the session or in a course, it is recommended that you obtain signed release forms from all session participants. Penn State Media Commons has recording release forms that you can use. See
  • Ensure your remote participants are prepared to participate, access, and utilize the equipment (e.g., activate their microphones, utilize the chat tool, etc.).
  • Have a backup plan in case the technology fails.
  • Arrive 15-20 minutes before the session to test the equipment.
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