Videoconferencing Survey

Use this as a template for designing and delivering your own post-session survey to participants.

Please rate the following on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 = Poor and 5 = Excellent.

  1. How useful were the pre-session documents, handouts, etc.?
  2. How well was the content delivered by the instructor?
  3. How well did the instructor address both local and remote participant questions, etc.?
  4. How well did the instructor respond to participant questions?
  5. Were participant questions and interactions encouraged?
  6. Rate the quality of the participant activities.
  7. How well did the video work?
  8. How well did the audio work?
  9. How technically effective were the presentation tools?

Please briefly answer the following.

  • What was the best part of the videoconference?
  • What was the worst part of the videoconference?
  • Do you have any addition comments you would like to share about the session?
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